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The V1


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Although ive been lurking on PG for years, I have never built a guitar from scratch before, so this is going to be a challenge...

THE V1 - Gibson Flying V

completely to Gibson specs (24.75 scale)

Sapele back

Meranti neck

Wenge Fingerboard

Quilted Maple cap (?)

Tuneomatic bridge and Tail piece

single pickup (EMG85 or Bareknuckle/Kent Armstrong)

Today I visited a wood yard and I was like a kid in a sweet shop! I managed to get some Sapele slabs for the body, some Wenge for the fingerboard and a huge lump of Meranti for the neck, enough for 2 necks in fact, possibly a neck thru and a a bolt on! I think I need a figured top or more Wenge.

I guess someone is going to pick up on my choice of wood for the neck. I was concerned that it wasnt up to the job myself, but it seems Meranti is a suitable replacement for Mahogany. Yamaha has been using it for a while in their guitars apparently. I also discovered from the wood yard that Meranti has differing density and weight characteristics, and the bit ive got is fairly light and has a really bright tap tone, so I hope its a bit of an all rounder tone wise and will help to keep the body and neck quite balenced. I guess once I reinforce it with a truss rod that it will be fine, but if not, Im gonna learn that pretty fast!

I will need to scaff a headstock on the business end of the neck. Im also not sure about the idea of neck thru or bolt on. I am keen on a Neck Thru but the concept of a neck thru is scary.

The sapele slabs I have are only 1" thick so I need to get a top of some kind. The wood yard I went to has Wenge in vast proportions (1-50mm thick, as wide as you like and 20ft long!!!!). Either that or some figured top would be nice for this one I guess. Any suggestions?

I need to get some glue and some clamps to get the body started, so bare with me, but I hope this is gonna be a half decent guitar

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I think a wenge top on a V would be really cool. I guess a wenge FB is OK, but it has very open grain and is very coarse in texture. I think an ebony FB would be a better choice, but it's all subjective. With all black hardware, that would look excellent.

How thick is the body on a Gibson V? You could get away with a thinner piece for the top (1/2" maybe?) or you could go to 3/4" or a little more and so some shaping/carving on the top. I think a V with a Les Paul like carve would be really cool. Many many options.

Whatever you do, do a full scale drawing, have your bridge in hand, figure out your exact scale length, and go to town. Don't be afraid of a neck through, get some books and check it out. Hiscocks and Kochs books are both highly recommended.


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Yeah, I understand what you mean about to much wenge. I need to find something thats a contrast but wont clash with the hardware. An Archtop V!..... Hmmmmmmm the possibilities! Ok, I have just decided to get the Wenge top and find an alternate board. I think the Gibson is 1 & 3/4 inches thick. Im pretty sure the wood yard can do me a single piece of the right size :D should look prettly good......

Meranti is a bit of a grey area isnt it... if it is no good for necks, I guess it will make a nice... stick :D Ill have a bash at making a neck out of it for the practice if nothing else, and Ill go for a bolt on this time around so I can change out the neck if the worst happens.

I have a tuneomatic bridge and tail already, plus more machine heads than I can shake a stick at so im ok there. I also have a DiMarzio Invader sitting in a body doing nothing. Might use that to get me up and running and retro fit the EMG later.

Pics to come... Need batteries Dammit!!

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Oh yeah, I am not so sure about Meranti for a neck. Isn't that what they use for Luan? It isn't really a mahogany at all and doesn't have it's properties. Mahogany has interlocking grain that is very strong, whereas Meranti is brittle (that's why you had a bright tap tone). Mahogany has many coveted properties which is why it's been used for centuries, very stable, very strong, machines and works excellent, etc etc.

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OK, the plan as it was has developed into something completely different. read on....

First some pics of my wood...

Sapele Back boards

Meranti neck bank

Wenge Fingerboard

And here is the new modified design of the V...

The V1 (mk2)

The main differences here are the size, which is now BIGGER than a standard V, simply because I have 9 inch boards, so I sketched the design out on one board and it looks somehow more together than the smaller Gibson original.....

Its also going to be an archtop with a wenge cap over the Sapele. I doubt ill tackle binding this time round.

The other main difference is that the headstock design here is 3 dimensional... its flat on top, but the rear of the head grows thicker towards the nut and connects to the neck in a Volute. Its an idea I had a while ago when I was considering volutes for my other designs and I think it looks pretty good and is fairly original. I cant say ive ever seen it before. Its not going to be THAT thick, starting at the 10-15mm mark and graduating up to about an inch at the nut, and then sculpting into the neck profile. Its a bit of a gamble, but I hope it comes out ok. Tuners will be recesed into the headstock to preserve the height of the strings on the top side of the headstock.

I should have enough Sapele to use for the headstock, simply because I havent got anything else at the moment. Should it prove to be do-able, Ill get some nice woods for the neck and build it from a laminate of Maple and ebony.

Watch this space

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The headstock is really cool. Tis is going to look great, man. If you need measurements, I have a flying V body at home I can use to get them from.

Thanks man. The Headstock was just slapped on to get away from the standard Gibson one. Although theres nothing wrong with the original, I do want my guitars to have some originality. I think im ok for measurements as well thanks dude, its all gone a bit non standard anyway. 26" scale with a slightly larger body and the angles are slightly different too (although the drawing looks the same as a standard and is just for reference).

looks good, any ideas for finish?

Au Natural I think. Theres a nice grain on the Sapele which I *COULD* use on the top. In fact im erring towards a neck thru with a recessed bridge now! I think its obvious that I didnt really think about this enough before starting it. Im going back to the wood yard to pick up some more Sapele for the bottom and ill laminate it all together with the neck wood (a Mahogany blank is in order I think)

Ill keep you all posted!

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