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Volume Pot. On Upper Or Lower Cutaway?


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I am debating between the upper and lower bouts of the cutaway for a volume control.

Any opinions on the good and the bad about each?

The body is small and there is no room elsewhere on the face.

They are similar to where the pickup switch is on a Les Paul and where the master volume is on a Gretsch Duo Jet.

Thank you,


Edited by MP63
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How do I make the picture smaller?


You can use any number of image tools to resize it. Irfanview is a good choice - its fast, easy, free and devoid of spyware. You can download it from their home page. Install it and open your image in Irfanview. Go to the Image menu and choose Resize/Resample...

On the left hand side, you can choose specific dimensions while on the right hand side you can choose some standard dimensions. Choose the new dimensions and then re-upload the image. If you delete the existing one and use the same name for the new one, you shouldn't have to replace the link you use in your post to show the image.

Hope that helps and nice work btw.

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Yes it is.

There a little story behind it.

My uncle gave me the piece of mahogany over 20 years ago. I decide to finally make something out of it, hence the smallness of the body.

There will be tuners on the tail end of the guitar.

Originally the neck stock was just a hair short for headstock tuners, so I designed this unusual shape.


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