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When To Put Finish On The Fretboard And What?


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So I have my neck glued up and will be doing the scarf joint tonight.........My question is do I finish the fingerboard before I glue in on the neck and do I cut fret slots before or after finish is applied. Also, for a birdseye maple board what's the best finish to use? Oh, and if this is in the wrong place please move it..............I figure it's a finish question, but it's also a build question............

Edited by DigthemLows
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For a maple fb I prefer to spray a few coats of poly on after everything is done, that includes frets. Then a little light sandpaper or steel wool to clean the poly off the frets afterwards.

How do you sand/buff the finish to gloss with the frets in? Kinda seems like they would get in the way.

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