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Iceman Double Neck Mirror Top Piece


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This project has been in the works for a few months now. It's a project for Scott at Hembry Guitars in Washington state. He builds a lot of off the wall and over the top bolt ons. He does a lot of doublenecks...Really talented artist. Check him out at http://www.hembryguitars.com This one is a 12/6 string prototype.

He approached me about doing a mirror top on this project that was different than the run of the mill silver cracked mirror pieces I've done in the past. I threw out the concept, and he did the artwork...we refined it and came up with this:

Here is the body after I routed it out: http://members.aol.com/huntindoug/2iceb.jpg

This pic is the plexi set in prior to routing the neck pockets & pup holes. Scott is doing the polishing & installation of the mirror, so it still has the peel coat on it in the pic:


Scott wanted to make it a Paul Stanley tribute piece, so he came up with the face. I suggested cracking the silver only to make it look like the crackes originate in the eye. All you KISS buffs may remember in the movis "KISS meets the Phantom", Paul had a laser thing he shot from his starred eye. We didnt want to have a purple line shooting out, so we did this with the crack pattern instead. It should be cool when finished.

I emailed him these pics earlier today, he posted them and he already has some regular customers placing orders....go figure.

here are a few other recent mirror tops I've done:













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I count 91 years of bad luck there :D

That kelly is the coolest thing ive seen all day

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