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Help With Designing?

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Hey guys.. Considering starting my first 2 project guitars... well depending on how one goes... I was going to do a Jackson Kelly shape, but Im quite interested in the Rhoads shape

I do love the Jackson Rhoads / ESP Alexi shape and look.. its just I want to be able to sit down with my guitar to play.. And I dont like the classical position, I also kinda slouch in my chair when I play, so thats why normally I only play Strat shapes or Kelly shapes.. no Vs

(like this shape, IMO looks really cool other than the color)


I was curious though, saw that Gothic cutaway Rhoads that someone here made, how the upper side was like carved out, kinda like those Moser or Rico Jr guitars.. I was wondering, If I could do something like that to make a little cut in on the bottom, so it could rest on my leg and be able to play like that.. That would be perfect.. but Im not exactly sure how to do it, im not very artistic at all lol

Anyone wanna help me with the design? As I said, I cant make it look good, no matter how hard I try adding half circles and etc, Its just weird... I can't picture it in my mind, so therefor I cant draw it. I know theres some really creative people on here tho (Metal Matt, etc) so could someone gimme a nice rough sketch of how it might look cool and be practical?

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