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Onboard Preamp Help


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sorry im a huge noob. i have a friends help so i basically would just supply the parts and schematic and he would do all the work...

i wanted to see if i could throw this as a preamp http://www.lynx.bc.ca/~jc/pedals360.html

the one at the bottom the "Charlie Barth's 360+ Wiring/Components-PCB Diagram"

would i just use a stereo jack?

and how would i add a switch say if i was trying to put this in a jbass

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I am not at all sure that this is a good project to build into a guitar or bass. It is pretty big and requires 2x batteries (in one pick there is three!) and a lot of controls. At the very least there will need to be a bit of routing required I would assume.

This type of thing is probably best left on the floor I would suggest...why build it into a bass, isn't it just as easy to have it sit on the floor or even an amp and trigger it that way?

If you want to give your bass more power and perhaps overdrive your amp...maybe even actice tone controls or a simple fuzz...there are other circuits that are very small and simple that would fit the bill. For all I know, this could sound great, but, as I say, best left on the floor...


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There is nothing wrong with having two batteries running your preamp. I have two nine volts in my bass with EMG pickups (had even contemplated putting in three for even more headroom, but decided against it). Physical size, however, is definitely a big issue.

If your buddy is really good with electronics, he might be able to chop the fuzz circuit out and separate the two. However, thats simply more trouble than its worth. Why not just buy a nice Bartolini or Aguilar preamp?

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