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Some of the oldtimers may remember me from my short stint here a while back. It's been a long time since I've been able to do much with guitar work due to being in the Navy on a submarine. I've had to spend a lot of time at sea and most of my time inport getting ready to go to sea. Not to mention problems getting certain stuff in guam since places like stewmac won't ship hazardous material hehe. (Note, I've been here for 4 days in CT and already have a shipment of that stuff coming, like Ebony fretboard stain, actual nitrocellulose lacquer, etc )

But the good news is.. I'm finally back in the states!! I've moved the family to Connecticutt for my final shore duty before retirement. Unfortunately my base housing unit doesn't have much in the way of an area for a shop but I'm going to make do. I want to finally finish one of my projects. I've made posts in the in progress area for updates.

In any case.. I'm glad to be back in the states and finally have some free time to work on my guitars again. My wife is definitely happy I'm starting again since I spent so much money on tools, etc for it hehe.

On a side note. I never realized that Melvin Hiscock actually posts here. Melvin, your book was the best money I've ever spent. I may have to order another copy soon since mine has been read/re-read so much hehe. I value your information so much I actually managed to find the exact model of HVLP sprayer you mentioned in the book LOL.

Ok I'm rambling now. It's great to be back and back in the swing of guitar making.


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