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Setting/gluing On A Bolt-on Neck...

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Howdy. I just found this forum - nice! And thanx to the tutorials, I'm going to be converting an Ibanez Edge trem to lefty...very nice!!!

Basically, I'm converting a Tokai Flying V (FV-65 I think) to lefty - rerouting the body for the electronics, putting in an EMG '81/'85 set, swapping out the Ayers Rocker trem for the Ibanez...and...

I'd like to glue the neck onto the guitar. I'm wondering if this is possible? I want better upper fret access, and don't like the square 'hump' where the body/neck joint is. I figure if I glue the neck in, I can shave it down.

Any thoughts on this? Anybody ever done it? Any tutorials? I've gotta hope...



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This has been discussed, just do a search to get some other viewpoints.

There's no need to glue though --you can reshape the heel, then use inserts and shorter screws instead of a plate. Should work--plan it out ahead, of course. And you'll need to refinish the guitar too. Gluing the neck in will likely change the tone, and loses the advantages of the bolt on style.

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cool man - thanx! any suggestions as to what terms to do a search for? i did a few searches and drew a blank...


This has been discussed, just do a search to get some other viewpoints.

There's no need to glue though --you can reshape the heel, then use inserts and shorter screws instead of a plate. Should work--plan it out ahead, of course. And you'll need to refinish the guitar too. Gluing the neck in will likely change the tone, and loses the advantages of the bolt on style.

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Yeah, the search function is less than user friendly here, I agree. Try "bolt on to setneck conversion"

Or do what I do: google "(search words) site:projectguitar.ibforums.com"

Much more powerful than the forum's search

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