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Alright all you british, come in out of the cold shed, make a cup of tea and fire up the internet.

I've attached this question to the bottom of a topic, but not recieved anything as yet. I need to find a decent luthier supplier in Britain, preferably the Midlands but I'm not that fussed. I'm also after pick up bobbins and magnets (as well as wood and tools).

Got a bit of a wait to build the new axe and raise the funds B) but need to start pricing things up and hitting the research harder :D .

Cheers guys

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Craft Supplies - Wood, Fretwire, tools, trussrods, finishes & a limited selction of hardware. Very affordable, but of patchy quality. Great for a first guitar...

WD Music Products. - Hardware, pickups, electrics, nuts, saddles & pickguard material.

David Dyke Luthier supply. - Lots of wood, custom sized blanks, binding, purfling, specialised luthiery tools etc. Very high quality stuff, but not cheap.

Hope this helps...

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