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Prem-ade Neck-through Neck With Longer Body?

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Okay, I'm in the middle of the grand learning process with regards to building my own guitar... it's a heck of a lot more complicated than I ever realized, and I've been reassessing some of my plans and whatnot, and I've come up with an idea which I'm not 100% certain about.

Basically, I want to build a copy of the Ibanez Iceman, and I want to do it neck-through. But, I don't feel confident enough in my skills as a woodworker to make it 100% from scratch, so I figured I'd buy one of the Carvin premade neck-through necks. *However*, the problem is, the Carvin neck only has ~13" of wood past the end of the fretboard, but the Iceman body is significantly longer than that (from what I recall... I'll be getting a template and actually measuring a real iceman soon to be certain).

so, can I hope to have any success at all adding a 3rd piece of wood past the end of the neck-through body? A "third" wing as it were, almost a "tail", lol.

I can imagine there being some minor difficulties with regards to gluing that piece in; I'd have to glue one wing and the body-length extension onto one side of the neck-through, then make sure the other side of the extension and the side of the neck-through body are flat, and gluing the other wing on.

Additionally, besides it being physically functional, is there any hope of it looking decent enough to support a semitransparent finish rather than hiding it all below a solid color? Has anyone ever seen a guitar with an extension like that? I have a really vague recollection of seeing something like that at one point in the past, perhaps on some BC Rich or something, but I couldn't think of anything- most neck-throughs actually go all the way through...

I feel kind of like a cheater using a premade neck, but after talking to a local luthier, it does seem like for my first project, my hope of success is significantly increased by not doing it ALL myself. I know this is also probably an extremely unusual idea, and probably not even the best one compared to just going for bolt-on or set-neck, but I'd like to do something slightly 'different' without stepping too far out of the bounds of sanity. It does seem like I'd get many of the tonal benefits of the through-body design while avoiding some of the other potential issues, but it does have the potential of looking a bit "hackish"....

I searched around on the forum here without seeing anything similar, so hopefully this isn't too stupid an idea and question! :D

So, comments? suggestions? is it an idea worth continuing to research? or should I change tracks and go a different route?

(edit: I hope my managing to misspell the topic of the post isn't a dark foreshadowing, hehe)

Edited by d. garlans
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I'm not sure about 'significantly', but seriously, you're jumping the gun a little. Guitarbuilding goes as follows:

Step 1a: Buy and Read Melvyn Hiscock's 'Make Your Own Electric Guitar' (well, OK, do this a few times)

Step 1: Draw out your plans FULL SIZE, front and side view

Step 2: Select materials, make templates.

Step 3: Order/buy materials you need.

Step 4: Build.

Also, I'd argue that if you've got access to decent enough tools, or have someone that can help you joint wood for laminating/gluing purposes, making your own guitar, including body and neck-through (easiest neck joint to get right, really; there isn't one!), is entirely feasible. The abovementioned book should give you an idea about whether you thing it's something you're comfortable doing or not. Buy a pre-slotted board (that's that problem out the way), and if the fretjob doesn't go well, you can always re-do it; fretwire's pretty cheap, and it's a great learning curve. This said, doing a fretjob that's as good as the average mid-priced guitar's factory fret job is not difficult; most of those aren't the most fantastic jobs ever, and the difficulty is getting it dead-on right, the dressing and polishing, which you'll need to do anyway on a pre-fab neck.

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Actually, I already ordered a copy of that book (after seeing it recommended here and elsewhere) but it hasn't arrived yet (darn weekend)..

I also found a full-size template for the Iceman online, which I'm going to order soon because it will help VERY significantly with regards to measurements

and drawing things out, etc...

but yeah, while I'm waiting for all of that to arrive, seeing what I could figure out around the premade neck would be an interesting thought experiment, and I was wondering if it had any precedent, or whether it was just a fundamentally bad idea. Obviously I'm not going to run out and drop $200+ for a neck without doing the required research first, lol, I've learned the hard way a long time ago that jumping into a project without doing the homework is a good way to burn through a ton of money fast :D

I'm not sure about 'significantly', but seriously, you're jumping the gun a little. Guitarbuilding goes as follows:

Step 1a: Buy and Read Melvyn Hiscock's 'Make Your Own Electric Guitar' (well, OK, do this a few times)

Step 1: Draw out your plans FULL SIZE, front and side view

Step 2: Select materials, make templates.

Step 3: Order/buy materials you need.

Step 4: Build.

Also, I'd argue that if you've got access to decent enough tools, or have someone that can help you joint wood for laminating/gluing purposes, making your own guitar, including body and neck-through (easiest neck joint to get right, really; there isn't one!), is entirely feasible. The abovementioned book should give you an idea about whether you thing it's something you're comfortable doing or not. Buy a pre-slotted board (that's that problem out the way), and if the fretjob doesn't go well, you can always re-do it; fretwire's pretty cheap, and it's a great learning curve. This said, doing a fretjob that's as good as the average mid-priced guitar's factory fret job is not difficult; most of those aren't the most fantastic jobs ever, and the difficulty is getting it dead-on right, the dressing and polishing, which you'll need to do anyway on a pre-fab neck.

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Okay, I'm in the middle of the grand learning process with regards to building my own guitar... it's a heck of a lot more complicated than I ever realized, and I've been reassessing some of my plans and whatnot, and I've come up with an idea which I'm not 100% certain about.

Basically, I want to build a copy of the Ibanez Iceman, and I want to do it neck-through. But, I don't feel confident enough in my skills as a woodworker to make it 100% from scratch, so I figured I'd buy one of the Carvin premade neck-through necks. *However*, the problem is, the Carvin neck only has ~13" of wood past the end of the fretboard, but the Iceman body is significantly longer than that (from what I recall... I'll be getting a template and actually measuring a real iceman soon to be certain).

so, can I hope to have any success at all adding a 3rd piece of wood past the end of the neck-through body? A "third" wing as it were, almost a "tail", lol.

I can imagine there being some minor difficulties with regards to gluing that piece in; I'd have to glue one wing and the body-length extension onto one side of the neck-through, then make sure the other side of the extension and the side of the neck-through body are flat, and gluing the other wing on.

Additionally, besides it being physically functional, is there any hope of it looking decent enough to support a semitransparent finish rather than hiding it all below a solid color? Has anyone ever seen a guitar with an extension like that? I have a really vague recollection of seeing something like that at one point in the past, perhaps on some BC Rich or something, but I couldn't think of anything- most neck-throughs actually go all the way through...

I feel kind of like a cheater using a premade neck, but after talking to a local luthier, it does seem like for my first project, my hope of success is significantly increased by not doing it ALL myself. I know this is also probably an extremely unusual idea, and probably not even the best one compared to just going for bolt-on or set-neck, but I'd like to do something slightly 'different' without stepping too far out of the bounds of sanity. It does seem like I'd get many of the tonal benefits of the through-body design while avoiding some of the other potential issues, but it does have the potential of looking a bit "hackish"....

I searched around on the forum here without seeing anything similar, so hopefully this isn't too stupid an idea and question! :D

So, comments? suggestions? is it an idea worth continuing to research? or should I change tracks and go a different route?

(edit: I hope my managing to misspell the topic of the post isn't a dark foreshadowing, hehe)

I agree with Mattia,

But I would not worry so much about the neck at this point. YOU will have many options after you know the true measurements. you can always us it as a long tenon setneck and cap it. So chill a bit and read. study your options, then move forward slowly.


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I feel kind of like a cheater using a premade neck

Nothing wrong with that...it all depends on what YOU want. Took me a while before I felt ready to make my own neck...and I'm still struggling to get one done entirely from scratch (keep screwing up the fretboard!). I've finished one so far, that one I bought a prefretted/preinlayed board. Helped me get over a hurdle by doing it that way.

But I'm working on the second neck at the same time, and I'm working on two guitars using the same design--one serves as the prototype for the other. Kind of exreme, I know, but I'm expecting both to be fun to play.

The point is, the learning curve has been a big part of the whole experience for me, I've accepted a lot of mistakes and trashed efforts along the way (I was a complete absolute beginner at all of this). And as long as you realize that you'll already be planning the next guitar before this one is even done, you'll be able to relax a bit about this one.

One of the members here, Doeringer, runs a business supplying neckthrough blanks and necks and other parts and services, he might be able to set you up with the longer blank you need for your project, seems like he's set up for special orders --he might be able to set you up with a partly completed blank so you can still do a lot of the process --carving the neck is something that's really cool and shouldn't be missed.

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