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Filling In Dome Deep Chips

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I have a San Dimas style body with some deep chips on the paint that go clear through till

the wood is exposed. The body is black. I was thinking of filling in the chips with a wood putty, smoothing it out to the contour of the body, painting it black, then throwing on a lil touch up gloss.

Is their a better method. I searched the site and havent found anything to great.

Any help will be greatly apprecatied! :D

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burn in laquer sticks

hot knife or screwdriver (old one) over torch

pick off piece of black (or clear if theres still colour) spread like ;i guess wood putty; into the chip; try to be neat;

then when its had a few days; 1 at least!

get a small block and level sand w/ 220/320 and then move up to 400 and gradually higher till you have rubbed out the area to a matching sheen

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