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Do They Make These?


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theres a linear one on here with a long shaft 3/4's the way down


"£8.00 each long shaft push pull A500k ohm pot" - "3/4" thread Lenth (1 1/8" total shaft) 2 1/8" total lenth"

also a shorter one for £5.50 just above it

Yeh samba them pots at axesrus is audio tapper plenty of them around, thanks for the post anyways guys.

It looks as if i am stuck with the audio ones. :D

The mod i was attempting was (the famous Jimmy Page mod) parrallel/series phase on my gibson using linear pots on volume.

Looks though its escilating.............just discoverd i only have single wire humbuckers.

cheers all.

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the one im talking about is under an audio taper pot, it does not say its an audio taper on the site, just says A500K, it was my understanding that the A meant linear and B was Log, correct me if im wrong here though, maybe email axesrus and ask them if its lin or log ? (i assume A is linear on axesrus since they have log pots labeled B500k etc)

i bought the £5.50 one a bit above for use in a tone circuit (swapping tonecaps) it worked like a charm but was a bit of a pointless mod.

Edited by Samba Pa Ti
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  • 2 years later...
the one im talking about is under an audio taper pot, it does not say its an audio taper on the site, just says A500K, it was my understanding that the A meant linear and B was Log, correct me if im wrong here though, maybe email axesrus and ask them if its lin or log ? (i assume A is linear on axesrus since they have log pots labeled B500k etc)

i bought the £5.50 one a bit above for use in a tone circuit (swapping tonecaps) it worked like a charm but was a bit of a pointless mod.

Hi guys!

I have been given to understand that the 'A' in A500K stands for Audio Taper (log) and that 'L' and 'B' refer to Linear Taper. Reverse-Audio Taper pots are usually marked 'C' (e.g. C1Meg). I have checked numerous sources about this and they agree unanimously.

Hope that helps a bit.


Thanks alot, it really helped me

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