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Flash Paper - Nitro On Paper.

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I was looking up some info and found this.

Nitrocellulose lacquer, 25% solution

[C6H7N3O11] Clear to light yellow liquid

This is a 25% solution of nitrocellulose dissolved in 65% acetone and 10% 2-propanol. Use as-is, or for most uses, thin to 5-10% with acetone. 1 quart, screw-top metal can. Shipping weight 3 lbs.

Used on wooden products, furniture primarily, and on musical instruments and other objects to give a shiny outer protective coating. Also used to make Magician's "flash paper", sheets of paper or cloth made from nitrocellulose, which burn almost instantly, with a bright flash, and leave no ash.

Does this mean our Guitars are very flamable? I assume this flash paper it with dry lacquer.

I've not tried this, but since I have the end of a couple of rattle cans sitting around I may have to give it a shot.

Anyone played with the flamable properties of this stuff? I for one am going to be a little more careful how much of this stuff I get in concentraion. I typically spray, then open the door to vent, then spray, so the wind doesn't blow my spray around. I don't think I want any concentration of this, it sounds explosive.


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Here is more interesting info.

Drawbacks of these lacquers include the hazardous nature of the solvent, which is flammable, volatile and toxic; and the handling hazards of nitrocellulose in the lacquer manufacturing process. Lacquer grade or soluble nitrocellulose is closely related to the more highly nitrated form which is used to make explosives.

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Read through the tutorials and use the search function and you'll see how often it is discussed how flammable mitro laquer is. It recommended not even to use a standard window fan to draw the fumes away, because the slight spark the motor makes is enough to ignite it. A nitro guitar will burn very nicely. As well as the old acetate pick guards.

Nitrocellulose laquer describes what it is right in the name. It is essentially cellulose (fiber from woods and cotton and such) disolved in nitro glycerin which forms gun cotton, the main component in gun powder. It is then dissolved in acetone to create the lacquer. That is a quick and dirty version, and it is a little more complex, but that is pretty close.

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