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First Swirl Project

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I just got a project guitar and have decided to give it the swirl paint job that I seen in th project guitar tutorials. I only have experience in painting guitars with rattle can nitro-lacquer. Before I start, I have a few questions that need answering:

1. If the base coat of the guitar is to be white, can I swirl over white primer?

2. Do I need to sand the swirls before I clearcoat the guitar?

3. I have read enamel paints are used in the swirling process, am I able to swirl a guitar with enamel if the base coat is sprayed with nitro-lacquer?

4. Can I use nitro-lacquer clear coat over enamel swirls? If not are there any rattle can or other alternatives other than buying an expensive spray kit to spray poly?

Any other tips would also be helpful.


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