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Who else has crappy gear here?


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I need new gear

All I've got right now, is an RG470 w/ Duncan Distortion, a Boss OS-2, and a marshall 10W SS practise amp.

Im 15, been playing for nearly 2 years, and I have to pay for all my gear from the allowance I get. Santa/Daddy doesnt buy me any gear for Christmas either!

At the moment, I really need a new amp. The 10watts of solid state power easily gets drowned by the otehr gear at band practises, even though i play lead for my band. I guess our bassist has the worst amp though, hes got a brandless 10W amp, but at least we can still hear him!

Im a real poor kid, I dropped my cell phone in a taxi a month ago, so I have to fork out some cash to pay for it. That cash was originally going to go towards an OFR to replace the Lo-TRS on my 470, but well, no OFR for me anymore! I dont have a job, because my parents believe i should be focusing on my studies, which means i live on their allowance of 200 Hong Kong Dollars, ($25US) a week. Thats only on school days, becuase they only feel obliged to pay me 300 HK Dollars ($37.50 US) a MONTH in the holidays. Which explains why I can hate the holidays quite a bit as well! I need to use my allowance to pay for food, movies with the girls, starbucks, etc, which basically leaves me with a flat wallet.

Biggest problem yet: My ears are really tone sensitive, I picked up my first instrument (the violin) when i was 6, so Ive got 9 years of aural training. The new pickup in my 470 help a bit, especially when plugged into the school's Mesa, but its not often I get to use it. I dont really like the tone coming out of it, but this is due to the fact that I havnt had enough time to play with the settings and EQ it properly. But everytime I get home, i complain about my tone.

My guitar is in need of rewiring, with new pots etc. The soldering is pretty crap (bear in mind, i installed my pickups myself, and Ive got very little experience in soldering. Local guitar shop said theyd charge me $25US for each pickup installed, i told them "NO F***ING way" and did it myself at home) I find its really hard for me to work the iron properly in such cramped space. Accidentally broke the wire off the output jack, and its stuck on temporarily with electrical tape. Havnt got time to resolder it back on yet. Im planning to completely rewire it with new pickup selector, tone and volume pots, and shield it with my mums aluminium foil. But all that equates to even more money (whcih i dont have)

Why did God make me so poor?? Ive got no bank account anymore (emptied it last july buying the RG), Ive got $200HK Dollars in my wallet ($25US) and I owe my parents 1 HK grand for my phone, which would be $125US. Still need to survive the rest of the Christmas/New year holidays, somehow...

*end of rant, more to come later*

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<Crotchety Old Man>

When I was 15 my gear:

Peavey Falcon Custom

Peavey Nitro I (although I could be wrong, it's possible I didn't get this until I was 16)

10W Harmony amp that used to be my brother's either way it was 8 years old and had one channel.

I think by that point I also had a BOSS DS-1 and a chorus pedal I got from Sears.

I got $2/week for allowance.

My school did not have any guitar related band equipment at all.

I did not get a cell phone until two years ago (the week I turned 27).

You've got it good.

</Crochety Old Man>

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Thanks man, that helped.

The problem is that most of the guitar players i know which are my age have much better gear, multiple axes, etc.

I need some help controlling my financial spending, its amazing how quickly i can spend whatever money I get. Last time i got a summer job, and got HK$1 grand for it, $125US. $500 went to tickets to a Satch concert, $200 went for a few pack of strings, and i spent the rest of it paying my parents back for money that they lent me earlier on.

I know a guy whos a year older than me, who has a few strats, an ibanez, and a marshall half stack.

Another guy had a budget of HK$20000, $2500US for a new guitar. Surprsingly, instead of choosing a guitar that was expensive, he went for an EDR470, simply because it looked nice....

I guess jealousy is the key thing??

btw, the satch concert was great, and was worth every buck i paid for!

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The key is to realize that what you have isn't bad.

There are a *LOT* of kids your age (possibly even most) who are playing Silvertones that their parents bought them from Circuit City instead of a music store. You've actually got a *GOOD* guitar (and make no mistake about it, the RG470 is a GOOD guitar).

Check it, my personal experience. I have a lot of guitars (14 and 3/4 as I am often reminded) most of these guitars are solid mid-range guitars. I don't have any super high end gear. Most of my guitar playing buddies have either more gear than I do, higher end gear than I do or both, even people who make a lot less $$$ than I do. I'm not angry about it, I have good gear, it fits my needs right now. When I need new gear (and I will) I'll just have to save up money for it and buy it, but for right now I just appreciate what I've got, because eventhough it's not the best, it's probably *better than most people's.*

Sometimes people get so fixated on what they don't have that they totally miss out on the fact that what they do have is really good.

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Ill keep my eye out for a good amp, Im always stumbling onto stuff, if I see anything worthy I'll see what I can do. I feel your pain, I originally had the wants, A music man eddie van halen and a mesa boogie anything, is all i wanted when i was 15, now im 23 and realized that sometimes all that great expensive gear is nice, but I am quite happy with my medicore gear I got, as for the amp. Yea 10 watts aint that much at a high vol, its rather disturbing, I'll see if I can find you a nice higher wattage and might just give it to you, christmas was good to me this year and I got a nice bonus, also got alot of stuff Im getting ready to sell, no guitar goodies, so everyone calm down, and if my garage sale is successful, Ill see what I can do for you, trust I know how you feel, 3 years ago I had tha whimpy wallet, now Im doing allright. The great thing about San Antonio Tx is theres more pawnshops here than anywhere else I have been, theres like one on every street corner so I can probably find something worthy, gimme a guesstimate if what you are after, alot of on board effects, or just something simple, I always liked the marshall valvestates, like the 40v my buddy has is a nice 12 inch 40 watt amp with a decent distortion and reverb and I see them go all the time around here for about a 100 bucks in the pawnshops. again no promises but maybe i can help out


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Hi, I'm Robert and I'm also 15 and I live in England. I have been playing for a year and a half.

I consider you to be quite lucky. You have an RG470 whilst I only have a 270. I am also quite poor, like you because I don't get any alowance money from my parents. Instead I have to get up early in the morning, before school, and go to work to earn money so I can buy my gear. I also have an after school job on Thursdays. I earn approx. £27 a week. Here's a list of my equiptment:

Ibanez RG270-£300

Yamaha Nylon String-£380

Zoom 707-£110

Marshall AVT100-£440

Crybaby Wah-£80

Boss BR1180-CD-£800

(And I bet you all of this gear is cheaper in America and Hong Kong)

All this is bought with my own money. It has taken me ages to save up for it and I don't complain because I want it that badly. I don't have a cell phone because I can't afford it and I don't take the taxi I have to take the bus to get to places.

My Dad is 110% behind me but just can't spare any money to give me. All it takes is a bit of hard work to get what you want rather than expect to get it handed to you on a plate.

I'd say you have a good guitar and plenty of good resources to practice with. I may have a similar guitar to you but I put up with it and spend my time practicing. About 2 months ago, I was selected as one of 5 'Young Guitarist of the Year' finalists. So that proves that just hard work and putting up with what you are lucky enough to have can get you far.

You do definately need a better amp, so get a job and stop whinging.

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If i was allowed to get a job, I'd get one too. My parents believe that studying is the most important thing, which is why they dont exactly support my guitar playing, nor will they let me get a job. My dad gives me crap for buying strings for Gods sake, he reckons its a waste of money. Wait until he finds out i spent the cash putting in a new pickup...

I guess Ive been a little ungrateful with what I have at the moment, sorry bout that. Lifes been hard on me lately, parents putting real pressure on my studies. They expect me to get at least 1/2 A's at my GCSEs, and yeah, Im done for. Mock exams start on monday, and ive jsut found out im missing 30% of my chemistry work...

Rob, youre a good musician, and you have my respect for it. Thanks man. Its just that Ive been hanging around with too many rich asses lately... :D

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Fair point there.

Maybe if you spend the time up until your exams studying, and at least try and get the grades your parents want you to get, then maybe you can earn their respect. Then you may have a little more freedom afterwards. Easier said than done though. I'd just say, have fun with what you have because there's obviously not much you can do, money wise, for now.

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