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Scrappy The 12 String Electric

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Update time Sgt scrappy is almost in uniform I have the fabric glued onto the body and the initial trimming is done.

Here is the front


Here is the back


The neck has also been successfully repaired and everything seems to be in good working order now. As you can see my attempt to have the SSgt rank inlayed didn't work. Oh well mabey another time another project. I have a pair of ABUs that are almost wore out. So there could be a younger sister to this one in the works down the road



I also soldered up the electronics to make sure the work For now it will just have the HB. The piezo pickup with follow at a later date when I have more money.

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Is he going into the Air force you boot time and calling it tech school would seem to say so but you said Army. If he's going into the Army he will go to his basic training then most likely he will have some leave time where he gets to come home.

If he's USAF then yes 8 weeks of boot and right to tech school depending on his job it is anywhere from 4 weeks to three years of tech school if he's not a linguist he wont have the three year tech. I personally had 6 weeks of Boot then 4 months of tech then I got to go home on leave.

Also very rarely will they send some one in any branch directly to their duty station. There would have to be an extreme need for him to have too. As most people even after training don't really know their job until they have had some OJT. You can go strait there if you so choose but you can take leave and most people will.

If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me!


P.s. You don't deploy to a regular duty station just special assignments where there is a chance of combat. You have a P.C.S. (Permanent Change of Station) At least that's true in most situations but not all.

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