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Auto Kill Switch


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ok i was bouncing around on ebay and found this thing

and a idea hit me why not use a low frequency square wave generator to operate a relay in that box

that way you have a knob to select the frequency then when you hit the button it would toggle the signal on and off.

well now the hard part the electronics are a bit above my head its been 10 years since i messed with any of that stuff so any ideas on how to pull it off.

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I built this auto kill switch which is is variable via a knob a few weeks ago.

See this topic. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=39940

To hear just some of how it could be set up, click on the link in my sig and cjeck out the "Helicopter Concept Experiments" clips. The rate of switching and "duty cycle are easily customized to taste. I've not put up a schematic as the originally interested individual did not reply with continued interest. Since, I've learned a bit more about electronics and switching to make this more effective as well.

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Might be a cool effect if some one has a old wah laying around to take Donovan's pedal another step with Billm's idea and use the wah as the frequence selector.

Btw Donovan i don't see a sig.

ok i just didnt load for some reason its there now.

Edited by Tim37
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the draft schematic for the "cleaned up" version. The signal is now very clean, click-free and working great. As an option, swapping the input and output yields a clicking effect on each switch on/off that resembles a helicopter's rotor blades with the right accompanying effects and technique. Also, the resistor network (which is supposed to resemble a potentiometer *** I didn't have a pot symbol, Doh! *** ) and capacitor in the charge circuit are completely customizable to taste. The schematic is a free for all. However, please credit my work where applicable. Hopefully this is error free, but as I drew it directly from my breadboarded model, there may be inconsistencies of which I am unaware. Please bring them to my attention if they arise. Thanks.


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The auto kill switch idea has come up a few times at the DIY Stompboxes forum as well. ( I know because I raised the same question there years ago. It's been asked since.) R.G. Keen came up with this circuit: http://geofex.com/FX_images/stutter.pdf Whether or not it's worth a try, I can't say. I don't know if that circuit has been built by anyone, but R.G. knows his stuff.

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The auto kill switch idea has come up a few times at the DIY Stompboxes forum as well. ( I know because I raised the same question there years ago. It's been asked since.) R.G. Keen came up with this circuit: http://geofex.com/FX_images/stutter.pdf Whether or not it's worth a try, I can't say. I don't know if that circuit has been built by anyone, but R.G. knows his stuff.

I've heard about this one. I don't know if anyone has built it, either, but everything RG designs is usually spot on and works great.

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It is interesting he is using op amps where I have used a mechanical relay. The op amp design is a bit more complex. Not to sway anyone toward my design or away from anyone else's, it's just that honestly, I did not know one could do this an op amp, so I'll be studying that drawing more closely. However, my use of a mechanical relay in place of his semiconductor switching does mean the pedal will click as the relay opens/closes. I was not able to get the semiconductor version to be "click-free" and so went to the micro-relay. This clicking that is present now is NOT part of the signal, but at very low volumes, you may hear it from inside the pedal.

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