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Anodized Aluminium

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If you really mean anodizing,you can talk to this guy...I don't see knobs on his site,but he does talk about anodizing...if nothing else he may be able to give you a lead...read the page though,he makes these parts,he does not order them from a plant.

I have ordered from him in the past and everything was perfect.He has alot of really cool parts.

By the way I learned something new..I thought that anodizing was a type of polishing done to aluminum...Dave(at frets on the net) says on his site it is a coloring process...I had no idea...which is funny I guess because I work with aluminum in my proffesion at least a few times a year.

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Wow...interesting...and a little bit scary...

Battery acid?Chemicals?Ceramic heaters?

Knowing as well as I do that battery acid fumes will explode with just a spark(I have had three explode in my face...having to flush my eyes with water twice and ruining two sets of contacts)I would not touch that process without other people there to find the water and help get the acid off in the case of an explosion..

Interesting note...when you get acid in your eyes,they slam shut,making it damn hard to find the water you need to get it out...

So cool though...I would be tempted to anodize my entire house...

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Wow...interesting...and a little bit scary...

Battery acid?Chemicals?Ceramic heaters?

Knowing as well as I do that battery acid fumes will explode with just a spark(I have had three explode in my face...having to flush my eyes with water twice and ruining two sets of contacts)I would not touch that process without other people there to find the water and help get the acid off in the case of an explosion..

Interesting note...when you get acid in your eyes,they slam shut,making it damn hard to find the water you need to get it out...

I thinly most people are better off either powder coating small parts or staying away from aluminum and use a palatable steel, as the cost is considerably less. You can always find a local company who can anodize the parts for you if aluminum has to be used..

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Yeah I dont really want to have to do it myself, powder coating seems also like a viable means of colouring metal.

I'm not sure how to find a company that will do a very small batch though, I just want two white knobs lol

I emailed the frets on the net guy, see what he says.

I think Harbor Freight has a cheap Powder coating kit. You just need an oven or table top broiler. I have never seen white aluminum but then again I havent looked. The powder coat will give you a solid durable color and its very easy to do.

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