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First Scratch Build - The Flustercuck

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'ello there.

Haven't dared post anything before (despite using this site as a resource for the last year - shame on me), but just finished my first build from scratch and thought it was time I posted.

I'm sure you won't mind my sloppy workmanship and slack attention to detail...

(providing I improve)

So, for your amusement/ridicule/praise/apathy, I'm very proud to present "The Flustercuck".

(macro lenses make things look deceptively good)







For the record:

Body: Sapele and padauk top (natural two-tone)

Neck: 3-piece (sort-of) laminate, maple and sapele

Fretboard: Purpleheart

Bridge: Schaller 456

Frets: Jescar Evo Jumbo

Tuners: Grover rotomatic w/rosewood heads

P/ups: Irongear Blues Engine (neck), Irongear Hot Slag (bridge)

Weighs a ton (about 7-8 kilos I reckon), neck like a baseball bat, dings, splits and cracks all over the place, 12th fret marker at the 11th fret (genius), a number of frets filed to within an inch of their lives...

... and I love it.

Thanks to the forum for all your help, and thanks for letting me impose this monster upon you.




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aah, slight problem with the stud thing.

Schaller have conveniently made the bridge stud-post diameter 6mm - I had to grind down two Gibson tailpiece studs (from 8mm) to mount the thing at all.

... I'm guessing I'd have the same issue with the TonePro's studs??

As for the dodgy pickup angle on the neck - that's just total slackness (lazy mounting, not a cavity problem).

But cheers very much chaps!

Much appreciated.

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aah, slight problem with the stud thing.

Schaller have conveniently made the bridge stud-post diameter 6mm - I had to grind down two Gibson tailpiece studs (from 8mm) to mount the thing at all.

... I'm guessing I'd have the same issue with the TonePro's studs??

Wait a minute?!

I'm talking bollocks.

Bridge studs are normally 6mm... just ignore me.

Off to buy a set of TonePros.

Cheers again!

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gonna say, i know i have used tonepros locking studs on a schaller like that before. it didnt stop all tilt, but was much reduced compared to what you have at the moment. i was going to use a washer or two to make it completely level but never got around to it

if you dont want pickup rings try some extra pickup sponges underneath to help them level out

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