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Xy Pad Conversion


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some of you may remember this yamaha RGXA2 i modded. i sold it off a few months ago , but the jack socket went a bit faulty so i was in discussions about sorting it out when the guy that brought it said he quite fancied having a midi pad putting in it at the same time

so here we are, still need to do some more routing on the back of the body for the new control layout and a double battery box, but this gives an idea of how it will all fit together.


the frame is quite a bit oversize, so will need trimming back around the bridge and pickup selector, but the screen fits in the available space, just! it sits about 1mm below the bridge base plate.

The first control is volume with n-tune onboard tuner.

Followed by the program/channel selector for the pad, turn it for program, push it for MIDI channel.

Then a 6-way toggle for neck/both/bridge in either hum or single mode

The second toggle is a on/off switch for the midi which was an extra in the kit, normally its on if plugged in :?

Finally there is the hold button to continuously send the same MIDI message

the touch screen has not been butchered from a kaoss pad like a lot you see on youtube, leaving you with a screen that only controls the korg device... it is a separate midi controller that can theoretically control any midi device

the kit came from these guys in poland and i am impressed by the simpleness of it all


ok, it involves some fairly extensive routing, but the actual wiring is very nicely done and clearly labelled

only problem is, i wont have anything to test it with when done :D

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  • 5 months later...

dude thats some seriously sweet stuff there nice

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