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Relic Work


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I am currently building a strat guitar, and I want to give it a really wild relic feel.

Has anybody got any tips/ideas on the paint job? It is currenttly solid black...

I've heard that there might be template to download, that I lay out on the body, and cut/hammer the guitar, to get a natural worn paint...

Anybody know about this?

PS: I'm a first timer...

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All depends how reliced you want it.

Id do a lot of reading & online research before i started if I were you. A relic job is not as easy as it looks. I do SRV models with full relicing that take approx 150 hours of work AFTER the guitar is completly built as a brand new piece. sometimes longer

My link

its a lot of work. So be patient & dont rush it. alternativly you could get someone to do it for you. But have a go yourself first, as most places wont even touch this kind of work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The best way is to just keep playing it until it's a complete mess. I've got a bass I'm working on. It'll be done in about fifteen or twenty more years. Alternatively, you could just tie a rope around the neck, tie the other end to your rear fender and go for a drive down a dirt road.

Clearly it's bedtime for me...

EDIT: Ok, just to be slightly more helpful, try this:


EDIT 2: Also, welcome to the forums. Please enjoy your stay.

Edited by dpm99
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