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Galaga Warlock

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Hey everyone, I came on here a few months ago asking for info on decals for my project. After some experiments I finally got everything worked out and the project has come to an end. I figure since I've used this site for info on all my guitar projects so far I'd like to share some photos of this one with you all.

Here's what I started out with, a standard NJ series warlock


Sanded down


Cavity extension for kill switch


Neck getting a coat of black


Designing decal layout


Decals printed out, edited in GIMP, printed with Kodak photo printer


Adding white bevel and faux white binding




Hole for second kill switch



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Headstock decals in place


Body decals final layout


Starting the clear coat, I used Rustoleum lacquer, about 3 cans all together for the neck and body


'Signed' the rear of the headstock with a decal


Galaga dragon on the rear of the body


Shielding cavity


Wired up


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Finished headstock


Finally strung up



Well those are the best photos I have of the project. I changed all the electronics in it, its wired up with 2 Seymour Duncan SH8 Invader pickups, 2 Bourns push/pull 500k volume pots for series/ parallel w/ .001 caps for a treble bleed circuit, 2 mini SPST toggles for coil cut, Gotoh 3 way toggle, 500k/500k CTS concentric pot for individual tone control w/ Sprague Orange Drop caps, 1 Sanwa arcade button kill switch (red) and 1 Seimitsu arcade button kill switch (black player 1), a SPST toggle kill switch. It was an electronics nightmare (I'm not very good with electrical work) but all in all it was a fun project and I'm quite happy with the results.

The decals worked out quite well, but they are noticeable up close. My printer doesn't print the exact same shade of black as my paint, which is very noticeable even from a distance with a super high gloss finish, this is why I went with a more satin finish, ending with p2000 grit wet sandpaper. It is much less noticeable of the difference in the shades of black when it has a matte or satin finish unless your really close and the light is hitting it just right. I had to print the decals on white decal paper so they would show up on the black paint, but doing this left hairline white edges on each decal so I brushed on some black to cover that up before adding the clear. If I do another project like this I will probably bust out the detail brushes and fill in all the black on the decals with the same paint on the guitar so I can polish to a high gloss.

Well that's about it, any questions feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy the photos and thanks for letting me share.

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