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Router table


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My old router table was like this. It had an handheld router fixed under the table and an old car jack acting as a lift. It kinda worked but it was pain to adjust. So I decided to upgrade it a bit.



While I was designing a new lift I thought about upgrading the spindle too. I got a Chinese 2,2kw spindle and a VFD. Some linear tracks and a ball screw.  Then I figured that since I had some left over stepper motors and control hardware from a previous project it would be fun to have the lift motorised.


So I did a proof of concept.



Machined the real thing.



Made a cabinet for the electronics from the sheet metal that I saved when our water heater died.



Made a mount to fix the monstrosity to table. At this time I also upgraded the stepper motor and controller. 



So the only thing that was left from the previous router table was the 10mm aluminium plate where the previous router was mounted. Decided to use it although it had unnecessary holes in it. I just made the center to accept inserts to minimise the gap with different bits. I was going to use magnets to hold the insert in place but the thought of it coming loose while routing made me decide to fix the insert in place with two M3 bolts.



The table top with some tracks and an Incra fence which I'm not actually using anymore as made a new fence with micro adjustment.  Spindle is silent compared to regular handheld router.


One last thing. A warning about Chinese spindles. I don't remember why I opened the spindle in the first place but I found out that the thing was not grounded at all! Now it is.



Edited by henrim
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