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The Grasshopper Generative Guitar


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All strategies are ready. This is 2 weeks before I started... Note the center pins to flip perfectly - the result didn't disapoint.



In the end all that matered was that the block was straight along the bottom line. This wood was irregular trapezoid in shape - but at least I had a straight edge from the bottom. Once the center holes were done, it was easy to flip and the holes, cut line matched perfectly. Well, almost...


I changed the direction of the cuts for the flip since I saw the result.


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The next issue in this design is the fillets around the body's top and bottom edges. The fillet module in GH is limited! The limitation comes from the guitar shape I feed it but after months of trying and testing other ways... (like sub-d conversions)...  Which yielded nice but uncontrolable mesh shapes - not the kind of 3D object my cam likes...



I started from scratch (at least 5-7 times, and today... I found an amazing way to do this!



Note that Im not 'drawing' any lines in the 3D design part of Rhino to achieve this. It's all logical script like operations on points, lines in space with parameters I can dial randomly or at will or based on any formula, script etc.

The three versions are based on a model where the line point/divisions went un-aligned to each other and yielded some really interesting results.

Behind is the new version with "variable generative aligned divisions". I hope to do a lot more later. First I have to resolve some non-aligned points giving me messy lofts/skinning... But it does look like a good start!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Bonus today, I designed a jig to drill the cable channels... Only the diagonal channel made but got the concept down.

The right part of the code is the block builder. The left creates the right lines to create the drill tube and then extend it drill tool side....

I will cnc the jig as a 2 parts flat vice that fits in the cavity with the hole predilled (ball mill). This way I dont need a jig to do the jig...


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