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Just put in a new set of MF EMG's passive set, it has been installed into a Jackson Monarch pro series 2 volume 1 tone solderless set, since putting them in I have had what some type of ground humming going on turn down the tone and it stops if you touch the guitar it changes never going away, I had to widen the pickup cavities to fit the new pickups when I turn down the volume I can still strum the strings and get sound through the amp. I have no clue what is causing this...


Hi and welcome!

That sounds just like what I was experiencing with my first P90 build: Lots of hum that didn't go away when touching the strings. The fix was easy after I found the flaw: The jack wires were mixed, hot went to the sleeve and ground to the tip.

As you're using solderless controls it might also be that the pickup wires are the wrong way around. By the pictures it looks like the plugs can be put in both ways.

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