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Sorry to keep reviving this post, but I thought this was relevant:


This box was our project before the bass I'm building. sides are maple. and the top and bottom insides are teak-veneered lauan (same as the big slab of lauan the box is sitting on). The top is a slab of chechen. The whole thing was finished with Deft Semi-gloss laquer.

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awesome people to deal with, bought alot of mape from them once

CookWoods? Really? I've tried three times to order wood from them. Each time, she says that the person I need is in the warehouse and will call back. I tried calling them back twice and got the same. I don't know if it's because I'm not ordering a truck load (they ask each time how much wood I'm looking for) or what? Maybe I should try one more time?

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awesome people to deal with, bought alot of mape from them once

CookWoods? Really? I've tried three times to order wood from them. Each time, she says that the person I need is in the warehouse and will call back. I tried calling them back twice and got the same. I don't know if it's because I'm not ordering a truck load (they ask each time how much wood I'm looking for) or what? Maybe I should try one more time?

strange. its a family owned company "guy and his wife" she probably didnt know to much about techincal stuff so she had to get him to asnwer your questions. same thing happened here. but they called me back in a couple of hours. dunno.

how much were you looking at getting? i got about 120$ slab of maple.

look at the stuff they are bringing in.


cha ching. its probabably pretty easy to forget to call someone back who didnt want 2000$ worth of ebony or something.

id give them another try, once you finally get ahold of someone they are more than welcome to help.


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budbostick....How much Chechen do you need?......I may have some in my stash.....I've got a big board that I think is Chechen(most likely is, but I haven't even thought about it in more than 5 years!)........If it is Chechen....it is 4/4 stock @10in wide........ I can cut and resaw what you need.....I'll check in the AM......E-mail me or post your dimensions and I see what I can dig up.


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