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Sustainiac "C" or "B"


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Has anyone here used the Sustainiac model C or B? I've ordered one and am anxious to try it out. I play mostly in the basement and don't have the opportunity to crank it up for a majority of my playing time so that's one reason I've wanted one of these things. To have the ability to sustain a note as long as I want and get that high volume feel at lower volume levels sounds like a pretty cool thing to me. I think it will also provide some interesting ideas when recording as well.

The cables make it difficult to play out with it but on the other hand - when you're jamming with a band you probably wouldn't need it anyway since you can crank the amps up.

So what I'm looking for is anyone who has used one or maybe anyone who has used the magnetic type to give me an idea of what to expect and your overall opinion on them.



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