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building a hollow body?

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I would look Making an Archtop Guitar by Bob Benedetto. It is the classic text for building fully acoustic archtop jazz guitars. It is one of the best guitar making books out there. If you are looking to build semi hollow electrics then you would have to change some of the way the guitar is constructed like by running a solid center block down the middle of the hollow body.

I am building a semi-hollow electric. It may be helpful and is an example of yet another way to build a semi-hollow. To check out the thread click here.


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thanks guys i appreciate the links if you think of anything else just let me know i am planning on reading up and starting this project soon, i am not sure of what types of wood to use so if you have any suggestiond, let me know.

thanks again,


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Classically speaking, you get better acoustic response out of a light-bodied guitar. That means woods that are generally light but strong. Spruce (for the top) and mahogany (back & sides) is a tried and true combo. Maple for the back/sides also works well with a spruce top.

Make sure you know exactly what kind of guitar you want.

A semi-hollow (think Gibson ES335) is actually solid down the middle, with hollow wings (chambered).

A true hollow body is basically an acoustic guitar with pickups, which could be flat-top or archtop.

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