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Walnut Bass Project

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I wanted a bass guitar to use for recording at home, so I brought a cheap damaged P-Bass copy from ebay and decided to make a new body for it. Altough it's covered in dust and dirt, all the parts I need are in good condition :D


Here's the damage....ouch! :D


Here's the wood I'll be using, 1 piece African Walnut from Craft Supplies. I don't want to build an P-Bass style body, so I've been messing around with a few designs, I kinda like this one but I've still not made my mind up.


All comments/advice welcome B)

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How the heck does damage like that occur?! Looks like someone had phone with a circular saw or something. Did the seller tell you what the damage was from?

I do like the body shape. Why dont you just trace the actual body is you want a P bass style?

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I seen a Fender guitar with the same damage... It was at a friends gig and the guitarist keep missing chords and solos ( was drunk and who knows what else) and suddenly he stoped and thought that he was Hendrix and smashed the guitar against a concrete floor B) . It was a vintage white strat and the place were it hit the floor flatted just like the one on your bass... he hitted the guitar once, and then realized what he did, ( he sober up in a second) and started crying like a baby :D too bad for him...

I like the shape you are going with. I have always liked asymmetrical shaped guitars. Keep us posted of your progress like always, I love pictures...

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't touched the Walnut body blank since I took that last pic, this project was put on hold so I could concentrate on the RG. Then last week I spotted a battered Squire body going cheap on ebay, as I'm still desparate for some bass on some recordings I've been working on I decided to buy it so I can get a working bass built up quickly.

So here's the body....


It arrived this morning and when I got back from work this evening I fitted all the parts off the other bass. I had to drill new holes for the bridge as the Squire one is different, a new jack socket, some re-wiring, a bit of polish and a new set of strings and it was finished :D

The body has quite a few dings and dents but as I wanted it for a cheap workhorse it doesn't bother me, and the main thing is it plays and sounds really good. I'll post some pics of the finished bass tomorrow :D ....only 1 problem... what should I build out of the Walnut body blank? :DB)

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