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Neck Thickness

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I just spented some time looking at common neck thicknesses and all I could see is that it should be around 2 cm. The wizard neck that is super thin it is 1.9cm and chunckier necks are 2.1cm. Does this difference of 0.1 cm really affects the playing so much?...To be honest what I would like to do is an assymetrical neck and what I plan is to do a 2 - 2.3 cm neck and then sand it down towards the treble side (like a peavy wolfgang). The problem is that it will be freehand shaping and I hoped if any of you tryied this before can lend me a tip or something.

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Im sorry you are correct I didnt search first about neck thickness and now that I have I found a lot of results that im going throught at the moment. But it was a two part question...Does anyone have a tip or tutorial for an assymetrical neck built?...so far im thinking of doing a slightly thicker neck than stantart warmoth neck and just sand a bit the treble side but this would be a totaly freehand shaping which I really dont like.

One other option is to make a sanding block that will have the desired shape of the neckand sand it down to get as perfect shape as possible.

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And sorry for the harshness. I was just getting frustrated answering the same question, I tend to get that way

No no its ok..im sorry for my ignorance when I didnt search beforehand. Im like that as well...nothimg is more anyoing than having to repeat yourself.

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