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This has probably beed said before so I apologise in advance. This is just a quick question to do with the normal version of scales and the pentatonic. The difference between the pnetatonic of a scale and the normal scale is that the pentatonic is five notes and five modes. By using a pentatonic scale rather than the full scale, are you loosing out on extra notes and therefore loosing out on potentially better sounds? Hope that makes sense.

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Ok, thanks. Can I also ask whats up with modes? Why do they exist? Are they purely there so you can play the same scale in different positions on the fretboard? Or are they something to do with a different sound to the scale too (which I dont understand if none of the notes of the scale change). When would you use one mode over another etc. This is really confusing me.

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PM El Dangerouso (i think that correct) he knows lots about modes, and has given me an awesome amount of email help when i bug him with different scales etc... great guy!


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ok, all modes have their own sound. its like saying whats up with so many different chords, when you can just play one and itll sound OK. yeh but itll sound better if you use different ones (that was a bad analogy but w/e)... for example, when you listen to pink floyd, they do alot of switching back and forth between, Im, and IV MAJ, and over that, they will just fool around with a dorian mode, (D-D in the key of C)... get the modes off line (mixolidian, dorian, etc) and test em out, to each there own, everyone likes differnt ones. i personally love mixolidian mode i use it all the time when i solo.

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