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how do you make an inlay

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it seems you have been thinking about making about 30 guitars so far, and no progress. how about if you just pick a strat which is one of the easiest guitars to make (but far from easy), not worry about custom inlays. and just start it, you have to crawl before you walk. so go start working on a strat and while your aty it pickup a guitar making book, and post progress pics. and for godsakes dont give the grownups another example why our generation is potentially screwed because of the stupididty of teenagers.

anyway. you route out the shape that you want in the wood, cut the materials to shape and jsut glue them in. sounds simple huh... well its not


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ha, what you just said is EXACTLy what im doing right now for my first guitar, except i hate strats so im building a tele. its awesome ive never had more fun, im glad i took the initiative, stopped asking so many questions before hand and just said hey im gonna build this thing no matter what.

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hey i want to build a custom inlay. how do you make one. Whats the bill of materials too.

theres some stuff on the main site about it

and for godsakes dont give the grownups another example why our generation is potentially screwed because of the stupididty of teenagers

you dont have to be an ass about it, you were stupid when you were a teenager were you not? im a teenager, and im pretty stupid, but usually people grow out of being a teenager. So that doesnt mean you all are screwed because the people who haven't been around as long as you arent as smart as you. No offense monkey, most kids are less smart than most adults, its the way it is and always will be, its not like we're gonna be just like we are now when we get to be an adult, but hey, we're here to have fun, so lets just not be mean to people like that ok? :D

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planning is 3 guitars. I would spend the time and extend when i get the research. Considering i am doing 4 guitars by next summer hopfully. And i would need to buy a book at a bookstore near me. But no rides so far. I really want to get like a 10 book from borders anyone know how. An i dont need to learn how to inlay the inlay, but to make the inlay for the frett board

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the dots are just holes of the right diamater drilled into the fretboard, and the dot glued in, if you did any research at all this should have been obvious, and i doubt borders carries any guitar books, and if they do the'yre closer to 30 dollars not 10, just call ahead and ask, but i know that amazon sells melvyn hiscocks book (one of the best books to buy), for about 19 dollars instead of the regular 27

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An inlay is the one of the hardest things to do on a guitar. If you haven't built a full guitar and neck yet, build those first, and then focus on an inlay. Learning to carve the back of the neck and fret properly are far more important skills than making a "cool dragon inlay". Build a guitar or two, sell one, use the money to buy a building or inlay book.

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OK.....Inlay is an artform all its own.....Pick up Larry Robinson's book, "The Art of Inlay"...... and while your at it also get Melvin Hiscock's book and get a rudimentary education on what skills and tools are need to craft a guitar. Books are a wealth of information and I'm surprised that more people don't research the great amount of information that is on the internet.......I read nearly all the posts on this board and must say that a primary concern, for many, is $$$$$$.....It is either the cheapest tools that you can get away with, or where you can buy rare and exotic lumber at the price of pine.......So here is a great money saving tip....for $14.95, Jim Donahue has an e-book available at this link.....There is lots of info and many pics......Some of the book is geared towards small manufacturing, but it is all solid info.


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