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What do you do with your finished guitars?

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I was thinking recently - what do you guys do with your project guitars when you've finished them? Do you use them on a regular basis as a gigging instrument, or do you sell them on?

I was thinking that if I were ever to want to sell either of mine, I'm not sure I'd make the money back that I put into them on parts alone, because I'm not sure how much a guitar with no brand name on the headstock would be able to fetch?

Your thoughts?

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I play 'em, and the ones I build are because my "concept" guitars really don't exist on the market. And the more I build, the better the quality, so even if I could find, let's say, a 7-string baritone thru-neck, it probably wouldn't be as nice as the one I'd make.

At this point I have a very well-defined number of guitars to build, which will all have different characteristics. Then at that point, I might go into building for friends and see what happens from there.

There are very well-made project guitars put up for sale on eBay all the time; either they are never sold (because the reserve is higher than people will pay) or they clearly sell for less than the cost of parts (forget about the labor). The only exception seems to be for well-made archtops.

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I'm not sure how much a guitar with no brand name on the headstock would be able to fetch?

My thoughts are to put your name on the headstock and give it a go. You will never sell any of them unless you get out there an get them in front of people. That is unless you want to keep them.

I have 6 of my own guitars and I sell the rest upon getting orders for them. WHen I don't have orders I also build guitars to my own specs as well. THese I take to shows as display models and try to sell them. The really nice ones (to me) become my permanent display models (aka: I can't part with it). It happens but I love to play as much sa I love to build so it works.

About one a year I give away. I am thinking about making some to give to the music department of random high schools around the area. With the education cuts always hitting the arts I think it is a good idea.

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That's a wicked idea, Myka - props.

Obviously my guitars aren't good enough to sell yet, but I only asked because I now have 7 guitars, two of which I've built and by anyone's reckoning that's really quite a few. I'm going to have to start selling some of them - but I could never part with my LP Jnr, so eventually I'll have to try and shift at least one of my own builds.

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