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Everything posted by ProjectGuitar.com

  1. ProjectGuitar.com

    August 2015

    @jessejames, "Limba Pernambuco Heartbeat" "Always wanted to participate in one of these. Although I already know I will be going against builds that will probably blow mine out of the water, just wanna see how well I fare against people with more talent than I have. Specs: Top - Curly Maple Body - Curly Black Limba Neck - Pernambuco Fretboard - Brazilian Rosewood with Heartbeat Inlay in Abalone Side Dots: Luminlay (All Green, except the 12th, which is 2 Blue) Pickups - Hand Wound by me Bridge - Hipshot Tuners - Hipshot Open Back Grip Lock Aluminum Ferrule Block 2-Way Trussrod Curly Maple Cavity Covers Held On with Neodynium Magnets
  2. ProjectGuitar.com's Guitar Of The Month contest is a showcase for members to exhibit their creations and to vote on their favourites. The contest is open entry for any and all members. Winner(s) receive a featured article at the head of the ProjectGuitar.com homepage, a photo posting to our Facebook and elevated member status. ProjectGuitar.com receives thousands of unique visitors monthly; GOTM is a great way to showcase your creation to the world! Submissions are open throughout the month until about the last week when public voting opens. Polls close on the 1st of each month. !!NEW!! Lastly, if you didn't win a previous month's Guitar Of The Month contest, you are encouraged to enter your build again the next month for a maximum of three consecutive months. Tips and Guidelines Post a maximum of eight photos for the instrument using the site's file uploader.Ensure that your guitar has a name otherwise we'll make one up ;-)List additional descriptive information specific to the build; for example....The woods and materials used, especially if there is something unusual in there!Scale length(s) and other specific configuration detailsElectronics, pickups, etc.Is this your first build, fifth or five-hundredth?A bit of information on your background as a builder helps give context to your build. Knowing whose build is a "first-timer" and those of highly experienced builders can change a voter's mind in the contest. Was it built in the garage, at school, work or in your own shop?A summary of the build's history. Was it built for yourself, friend/family or a client? Did you design the instrument and its specifications or was it built to spec? What were the inspirations behind the instrument and why were various build aspects chosen? Any background on what makes it special, etc. Tell us more about the instrument!Posting a link to your guitar-building website, Photobucket, Facebook, etc. is fine, even if it is your business. In the spirit of fairness we encourage instruments made by seasoned builders to have that disclosure made so there is a more even balance between weekend warriors and grizzled veterans. If you documented your build in the forums, post a link to the thread! Instruments with a build thread tend to attract more votes from the general community.Unsure what to write? Have a look around the entry archives for suggestions. If you are unable to link/post photographs or have any other questions about the GOTM contest, either PM me or ask forum members; we're a helpful bunch! In general it is recommended to upload your photos into ProjectGuitar.com Gallery and inserting them using the "My Media" button in the post editor. This thread is exclusively for entry posts only - any post that is not an entry will be deleted. We love to hear your discussions and opinions on the month's entries whilst the polls are open. Alternatively, head over to that instrument's build thread if one has been made in the entry post. Good luck to all entrants!
  3. ProjectGuitar.com

    July 2015

    ginner, "Emerald Titan"
  4. From the album: July 2015

    July 2015 [i]Guitar Of The Month[/i] winner
  5. From the album: July 2015

    July 2015 Guitar Of The Month winner
  6. From the album: July 2015

    July 2015 Guitar Of The Month winner
  7. From the album: July 2015

    July 2015 Guitar Of The Month winner
  8. From the album: July 2015

    July 2015 Guitar Of The Month winner
  9. ProjectGuitar.com

    July 2015

    @ginner, "Titan Emerald" "Hey! This is my newest creation. 25.5" scaleHonduran mahogany body and neckPaduak laminate in neckQuilted maple top/headstock veneerBare Knuckle PainkillersEvertune bridgeCoil tapping on the tone knobMatching backplateEntirely oiledHipshot open gear locking tunersHeavy voluteSomething special about this one - to match the Bare Knuckle battle worn pickups, the top has been gouged and worn down in some spots deep. This is where you see the "lighter" green staining. Between the contouring of the top and the pickup covers, it has a really war torn feel. Hope you like it. Thanks Guys!
  10. Need another peek at this month's entries? Click HERE! Welcome to this month's ProjectGuitar.com Guitar Of The Month voting round! The winner of each month's Guitar Of The Month contest gets front page placement on the main ProjectGuitar.com website, privileged member status, a photo feature on our Facebook page and as the default site background photo, plus an all-important shiny member profile badge. Good luck to this month's entrants! As usual, discuss your voting choice and opinions about the entries this month in this thread....however don't read into the discussion until you've cast your vote! ;-) This thread and poll automagically close on the 1st October 2015.
  11. ProjectGuitar.com's Guitar Of The Month contest is a showcase for all members to exhibit their creations and to vote on their favourites from each other's builds. The contest is open entry for any and all members. The winner(s) receive a featured article placement at the top of the ProjectGuitar.com homepage, default site background wallpaper and privileged member perks across the site (plus a shiny member badge in the forums!). The main ProjectGuitar.com site sees thousands of unique visitors from around the Internet so show off your work for the world to see! Submissions are open throughout the month until about the last week when public voting opens. Polls close at the tick of midnight on the 1st of each month. !!NEW!! Lastly, if you didn't win a previous month's Guitar Of The Month contest, you are encouraged to enter your build again the next month for a maximum of three consecutive months. Sometimes one entry in a month really eclipses other entrant's stellar work. Go to it! Tips and Guidelines Post a maximum of eight photos for each instrument entered. Ensure that your guitar has a name otherwise one will be given to it. List additional descriptive information specific to the build; for example.... The woods and materials used, especially if there is something unusual in there! Scale length(s) and other specific configuration details Electronics, pickups, etc. Is this your first build, fifth or five-hundredth? A bit of information on your background as a builder helps give context to your build. Knowing whose build is a "first-timer" and those of highly experienced builders can change a voter's mind in the contest. Was it built in the garage, at school, work or in your own shop? A summary of the build's history. Was it built for yourself, friend/family or a client? Did you design the instrument and its specifications or was it built to spec? What were the inspirations behind the instrument and why were various build aspects chosen? Any background on what makes it special, etc. Tell us more about the instrument! Posting a link to your guitar-building website, Photobucket, Facebook, etc. is fine, even if it is your business. In the spirit of fairness we encourage instruments made by seasoned builders to have that disclosure made so there is a more even balance between weekend warriors and grizzled veterans. If you documented your build in the forums, post a link to the thread! Instruments with a build thread tend to attract more votes from the general community. Unsure what to write? Have a look around the entry archives for suggestions. If you are unable to link/post photographs or have any other questions about the GOTM contest, either PM me or ask forum members; we're a helpful bunch! In general it is recommended to upload your photos into ProjectGuitar.com Gallery and inserting them using the "My Media" button in the post editor. This thread is exclusively for entry posts only - any post that is not an entry will be deleted. We love to hear your discussions and opinions on the month's entries whilst the polls are open. Alternatively, head over to that instrument's build thread if one has been made in the entry post. Good luck to all entrants! :croudwaits
  12. ProjectGuitar.com

    June 2015

    SwedishLuthier, "NorthStar Doubleneck"
  13. From the album: June 2015

    © Peter Naglitsch, 2015

  14. From the album: June 2015

    © Peter Naglitsch, 2015

  15. From the album: June 2015

    © Peter Naglitsch, 2015

  16. From the album: June 2015

    © Peter Naglitsch, 2015

  17. From the album: June 2015

    © Peter Naglitsch, 2015

  18. From the album: June 2015

    © Peter Naglitsch, 2015

  19. From the album: June 2015

    © Peter Naglitsch, 2015

  20. ProjectGuitar.com

    June 2015

    @SwedishLuthier, "Northstar DoubleNeck" "Toddlers double neck thread reminded me about not having showcased my double neck. So, on popular demand (OK, Chris wanted to see it at least....) here is the NorthStar DoubleNeck, a guitar I built as a "showstopper" for guitar and trade shows. I brought it to the Holy Grail Guitar Show in Berlin in November and also to the Fuzz guitar show in Gothenburg this May. It didn't exactly stop the shows, but it got a bit of attention.... The Specs Design - Peter Naglitsch NorthStar DoubleNeck Body - FSC-approved Spanish Cedar with a quilt Maple top Neck - FSC-approved Spanish Cedar with laminated Maple and graphite reinforcements Fretboard - FSC-approved Ebony Scale Lengths - 25" and 25,5 Pickups - StarStruck custom made Hardware - Grover Mini Bridge - Gotoh string through Nut - Earvana Controls - 1 Vol, 1 Tone, Freeway six-position-switch Frets - Medium Fret Markers - Mother Of Pearl Finish - Waterborne lacquer on top of body and heads, Tru-Oil on back of body and Tung oil on the back(s) of the necks. "The web page's promotion text.... This is really something special. A few very talented players have made the combination of 6-string and 12-string necks iconic. However the design of those instruments have left a few things to wish for. Better ergonomics might be the first things that come to mind. But also pickups specialised for those instruments and maybe a better switching system to make it possible to access all tonal combinations without having to fiddle with three different switches. Add to that the pretty wide 12-string neck we have been used to and the weight of the common double necks and there are certainly room for improvements. Enter the NorthStar DoubleNeck. First thing to notice is that the necks are not parallel. By Angling them out with 2 degrees the strumming hand can be left in the most comfortable position, regardless of what neck is being used. The 12-string neck has also been made slightly longer than the 6-sting to make the most out of the chiming sound of the double chorus setup. A clever use of light FSC-certified Spanish Cedar for the body and neck make sure that the body is really light and resonant. The 12-string neck is also unusually narrow to make playing easier while still retaining room for complicated chord shapes. The custom made StarStruck pickups have been tailored to suit the guitar with two full size, but Filtertron-ish pickups in the bridges (both customised for each neck) and mini humbucker sized Filtertron-ish pickups in the neck positions, and just like the bridge pickups, customized for their individual positions. The use of a 6-position Freeway switch means that the guitar can be operated with one single switch. Go from full throttle 6-string bridge pickup rocking to warm and lush 12-string neck pickups with the flick of a single switch. Brilliant! And the look! Vibrant curly maple tops and body and heads, luxurious bindings works and flawless finish works makes this guitar stand out, even if it would have had only one neck."
  21. Need another peek at this month's entries? Click Welcome to this month's ProjectGuitar.com Guitar Of The Month voting round! The winner of each month's Guitar Of The Month contest gets front page placement on the main ProjectGuitar.com website, privileged member status, a photo feature on our Facebook page and as the default site background photo, plus an all-important shiny member profile badge. Good luck to this month's entrants! As usual, discuss your voting choice and opinions about the entries this month in this thread....however don't read into the discussion until you've cast your vote! ;-) This thread and poll automagically close on the 1st July 2015.
  22. ProjectGuitar.com's Guitar Of The Month contest is a showcase for all members to exhibit their creations and to vote on their favourites from each other's builds. The contest is open entry for any and all members. The winner(s) receive a featured article placement at the top of the ProjectGuitar.com homepage, default site background wallpaper and privileged member perks across the site (plus a shiny member badge in the forums!). The main ProjectGuitar.com site sees thousands of unique visitors from around the Internet so show off your work for the world to see! Submissions are open throughout the month until about the last week when public voting opens. Polls close at the tick of midnight on the 1st of each month. !!NEW!! Lastly, if you didn't win a previous month's Guitar Of The Month contest, you are encouraged to enter your build again the next month for a maximum of three consecutive months. Sometimes one entry in a month really eclipses other entrant's stellar work. Go to it! Tips and Guidelines Post a maximum of eight photos for each instrument entered.Ensure that your guitar has a name otherwise one will be given to it. List additional descriptive information specific to the build; for example....The woods and materials used, especially if there is something unusual in there!Scale length(s) and other specific configuration detailsElectronics, pickups, etc.Is this your first build, fifth or five-hundredth?A bit of information on your background as a builder helps give context to your build. Knowing whose build is a "first-timer" and those of highly experienced builders can change a voter's mind in the contest. Was it built in the garage, at school, work or in your own shop?A summary of the build's history. Was it built for yourself, friend/family or a client? Did you design the instrument and its specifications or was it built to spec? What were the inspirations behind the instrument and why were various build aspects chosen? Any background on what makes it special, etc. Tell us more about the instrument!Posting a link to your guitar-building website, Photobucket, Facebook, etc. is fine, even if it is your business. In the spirit of fairness we encourage instruments made by seasoned builders to have that disclosure made so there is a more even balance between weekend warriors and grizzled veterans. If you documented your build in the forums, post a link to the thread! Instruments with a build thread tend to attract more votes from the general community. Unsure what to write? Have a look around the entry archives for suggestions. If you are unable to link/post photographs or have any other questions about the GOTM contest, either PM me or ask forum members; we're a helpful bunch! In general it is recommended to upload your photos into ProjectGuitar.com Gallery and inserting them using the "My Media" button in the post editor. This thread is exclusively for entry posts only - any post that is not an entry will be deleted. We love to hear your discussions and opinions on the month's entries whilst the polls are open. Alternatively, head over to that instrument's build thread if one has been made in the entry post. Good luck to all entrants! :croudwaits
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