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LGM Guitars

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Everything posted by LGM Guitars

  1. Sadly I don't, I didn't take one, wish I had now
  2. So I got this guitar in that had a HUGE scratch in the top, it was deep into the cedar so no way to fix it without replacing the top. So, a little airbrushing and shazaam!!!! http://pics.lgmguitars.com/pics/A%20nest%2...rs/IMGP2494.JPG http://pics.lgmguitars.com/pics/A%20nest%2...rs/IMGP2496.JPG
  3. Nope, why would it be? That's basically what all figured top guitars are
  4. no, you read wrong, 50 gallons this year so far, I don't think there's enough hours in a week to spray 50 gallons a week LOL, I do have the protection, this is my job I have a full paint booth with all the forced air respirators, been doing this a long time now I've probably put 35 or 40 thousand dollars into my paint shop alone in the last couple years, everything is done to meet health and safety codes no worries there, I pretty much know the paint inside and out edit: fwiw, cancer isn't so much a concern with the 2 part paints as blood poisoning, and respiratory failure, it also affects and destroys your nervous system. The isocyanates are only a possible carcinogen, meaning they can't even be classed as "suspected" at this time, probably only because they'll kill you in other ways faster than the cancer could possibly set in
  5. LOL, A lot, 2 cars, 2 guitars and some amp cabs, sounds like a regular week to me just teasin ya, I've already gone through over 50 gallons this year on guitars and bikes and that's just the clear
  6. You assume he's using 2 part Poly. Most guys here aren't set up to spray 2 part poly and talk typically about stuff like the minwax poly which is a one part. The funny thing is, if you're waiting 2 days between coats with 2 part, you're going to have adhesion problems, you'll have to be sanding with 400 to get really good adhesion, 2 part poly's really should all be sprayed in one session, if you need to respray, make sure you are sanding thoroughly before recoating.
  7. Despite the answer just given, I doubt searching will help you since you're looking for a saw for pickup holes. Saw's won't do it, you need a router and preferably a pickup template. I like to use a 1/2" router bit, I like the radius it gives in the pickup route, though I do switch to a 1/4" bit to do the pickup mounting ears if I want a nice tight route. If you're using a pickup ring or pickguard (which you'll need to do when changing single coil routes to humbuckers since they'll be to wide to look good without a ring) just use one router bit, probably the 1/2" should work fine. If he'd done any search for "pickup saw" or anything he'd find nothing, Unless you know the terminology in some cases the search will be useless, no need to get mean about it eqdeltar. Anyway, on to bigger and better things....
  8. Man, to make a list............ I've got about $55,000 invested or so, not counting inventory, probably closer to $70,000 with inventory, but it's my job so it has to be that way, sad part is, I could easily dump another 50K without buying a CNC to get it where I'd be happier. As for tools, outside of CNC's, I've probably got it somewhere, or at least had it at one point and didn't find it useful enough.
  9. crap, none of them are long enough! I kinda like em though, but they're all to short :'(
  10. I did some searching after the recent thread with Cocobolo wood, and found this chart, some interesting stuff I didn't know, there's a couple woods I'm going to be a hell of a lot more careful with now, that's for sure!!!! http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/roche/rec.wood.misc/wood.toxic
  11. When I had my reaction I had been wearing a dust mask and gloves, any skin that had been exposed was itchy, and my throat swelled up until I nearly couldn't breath, all I'd done was bookmatch a top and sand the seam flat. In total maybe 15 minutes exposure to it. My eyes watered and itched, it was bad, I went to the hospital and was put on a ventalin, it was a strong allergic reaction, mahogany makes me sneeze, but nothing like that was. I'll never use it again personally.
  12. Cocobola is quite oily, you have to sand all mating surfaces very well, and wipe with acetone before gluing. It's not impossible to work with obviously, just difficult, be careful
  13. One thing to STRONGLY consider with Cocobola, It is a HIGHLY toxic wood, known carcinogen, and creates severe allergic conditions. I learned the hard way with it. IF you are going to use it, use gloves all the time, and ALWAYS wear a respirator, not just a dust mask, goggles are a good idea too. I will never use cocobola again due to the reaction I had with it and I know of at least 2 others who have had similar reactions while using it.
  14. Actually, the appropriate badge for Perry should be "THE THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER"
  15. I say give Perry the Mod from Hell badge, Rule with an iron fist brother!!!!!!
  16. Thank God, I like Perry, rule with an iron fist, stamp out the fires, he'll be a great asset IMO. Thank you Perry, go kick some ass!
  17. man, I never start any coarser than 2000 for final buffing after final clear. The paints I spray you'll never buff out the scratches if they're any coarser than 2000.
  18. absolutely nothing should have changed when you blocked your trem unless you changed the angle of it, which you shouldn't have, you should have just blocked it where it sits.
  19. Oh for god's sakes. So I shouldn't say anything and just let the rules continue to get further broken to the point that I don't even feel like reading posts anymore? Sorry, when I have to read through a post that has the same damn picture quoted in every other post I get sick of seeing it. My last post in this thread was to reiterate what the thread started out as! Follow the fricken rules! So hey, it's cool, you can make me out to be the bad guy for this thread, quite frankly I don't give a rats ass about that, but I'm getting sick and tired of the lenience given to people who break the rules. I don't think I was raised in a strict household, but I knew damn well that if I broke the rules I'd be punished, so why should it be taken with such an easy going attitude all the time. Funny thing about this thread, it wouldn't have been started if a certain somebody had followed the rules in the first place
  20. man, talk about kicking the same dead horse, the point in this post when I started was, FOLLOW THE *$@(^&( RULES!!!!!!! To me the solution is simple, be like so many other boards out there, follow the rules or get a vacation, break them again and bye bye. I would nearly bet money that if we allow thumbnails people will still break the rules the exact same way because if they're to lazy to just put in the links, or people are to lazy to click a link, there's no way they're going to go through the work of making it a thumbnail. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't been watching the forum closely enough and seeing how people treat the rules on here regarding pictures. This post has become pointless, the solution is simple, follow the rules or pay the consequence (that sounds harsher than I mean it). When you were in school if you got caught passing a note, or whatever you got detention right? Problem with a message board such as this, is many members feel it's their god given right to do whatever they want to do regardless of the rules. If you want a forum where you can do anything, go start your own, wait and see how long that lasts, just ask another "pro builder" (sarcasm) who used to be on project guitar how well that worked for him. Bottom line, do I agree with the picture rules on here, not really, it's the only forum I've ever been on that has that rule, will I follow it, yes....... why? because I enjoy coming here, or at least I used to, but I'm getting kind of tired of a lot of things going on here lately. 99% of which could be corrected if rules were followed and if they were broken the guilty parties suspended/banned/tarred and feathered/caned, whatever. Just my 2 cents.
  21. I disagree in the community spirit comment lately, I don't see a lot of it. I guess I'm wondering, why would people be willing to "make an extra 2 clicks" to make it a thumbnail, when they don't want to make 2 extra clicks to view a picture in a link (one to open it, one to close it) Personally, I have my own upload section, it doesn't give me the option of creating a thumbnail, and I don't really want to open another account with photobucket or whoever it is. I think the thumbnails would be a great idea IF it was something I thought people would actually do on a regular basis. But if following the rules by putting up ONE picture and links is to difficult for people (as is continually proven by the posts where people STILL put up multiple pictures) then how on gods green earth will they actually do the thumbnail thing? I guess I'm just truly sick of the bullschnittzle that's been happening lately, I am just at that point (as we got to on another board where I do moderate) that if you can't follow the rules, you get an instant 2 week vacation, simple as that. True, we lose a couple members at the other site, but we rarely have rule issues. And it's still a fun place to be. Part of the problem is that the moderators here go in and edit the persons post to be within the rules, and nothing happens to the poster, so people get that attitude where "I can do it, the mods will change it if they don't like it" well, that's fine if you want to continue to create more and more work for the mods. I don't think thumbnails will solve the problem of posters not following rules personally. My personal feeling is, if somebody breaks the size limit, they get one warning, they do it again, goodbye for 2 weeks, you break the rules by posting more than one picture, adios, 2 week holiday. You are SUPPOSED to read the rules before you regisiter here so I don't buy that "sorry, I'm new and didn't know" bull either, you have to accept the rules to become a member. When I was in school, you break the rules, you had to write lines, or got detention, or suspended, (when I was in school we still got the strap for crying out loud). You had to apologize, but there was no lenience, you break the rules you were punished, plain and simple. It's not like people here DON'T know the rules. And if you've been here either as a member or lurker for any amount of time, you MUST have figured out there is some rule limiting pictures just by reading the posts and only seeing one picture per post even if you haven't read the rules! Yes, I am grumpy, I'm getting tired of it, personally, I don't care how many pictures are in a post, but I'm tired of seeing rules broken that I personally got a stern talking to about in the past. I'm computer stupid, if I can figure out the rules, surely anyone can! Just my 2 cents Jeremy
  22. Oh yeah, tuning pegs, on the vipers they use a standard guitar style tuner, on the Saber's and Stingray's they use traditional violin style pegs.
  23. I don't really know why that hump is there other than it would give the traditional feel of the body joint on a regular violin, don't really get it myself, I'd kind of think that if you're doing everything else so sleek and unconventionally you'd do a full neck, at least I would, but the sales of the violins speaks otherwise I'm just really proud to be working with Mark Wood, an incredible musician, great person, and a childhood idol!
  24. Well, the verdict is in, Mark received the instruments this morning and called. He loves them!!!!! They are getting more prepared to send to me in the next couple of weeks!
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