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Curtis P

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Posts posted by Curtis P

  1. SHARP TOOLS!!!! And Birdseye doen't warp easily (As long as it's Dried Properly)

    If your Planer has multiple feed speeds send it through on the slow setting and the eyes won't tear out as long as the knives are sharp

    You should keep all your tools sharp, especially the tool you use to plan a guitar (i think its called a mind or something?? :D )

    That neck should look schweeet!


  2. i live bout an hour outside of toronto, and let me tell you, the weather is weird

    most days its about 26 or 27 degrees celcius out, but its actually 35 or 37 with humidity, thats a killer when you work outside, then usually, about friday nights it will rain really softly and slowly (like tonight...) and then it will open up and just pour the rest of the night, then be hot, muggy, and just sticky feeling until next friday


  3. i been looking through some guitar shops and this one pedal (wont mention it, its a suprise if i buy it, i let you know) you plug it before your distortion, and set the "boost" on it, its a true bypass, and theoreticly, its always on clean, but you can use it to clean boost, or dirty boost your sound :D


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