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Everything posted by killemall8

  1. The prices at the place i used to go to had been almost the same for nearly 11 years. As soon as they were bought out, it doubled. Quite a shame.
  2. Thanks guys. My hope is to still build one day a week. I dont start this job until next month, so that leaves some time to finish up a bunch of projects. An interesting note, I went to go get some mahogany from my supplier. At the beginning of the year they got bought out by a big business. Their prices had went up a bit but was still managable. I went back today for the first time in about 7 months, and their prices have just about DOUBLED. I was blown away. One thing that really helped me with my building was living in a place where supplies were very manageable and cheap. Its really too bad.
  3. Thanks Scott! This is a moment ive been expecting for a long time, but could never fully picture it. It will be interesting having an entirely new and different life. I know im going to miss this.
  4. Thanks scott. Its going to be different, but worth it. On a side note, i still dont understand these clear coats. 2k clear is supposed to be the hardest, most durable out there. And every guitar i spray, even after a month, still gets swirl marks and scratches just by wiping it off or handling it.
  5. Been working a lot on guitars and also been incredibly busy with a ton of other things. Some news though. After years of looking for the right job, i finally landed a new, full time job. That means a lot less time for guitars. Im sad that i wont be able to build as much. Here are a couple ive been working on.
  6. Got the body made and the neck pocket routed on the 7. Loving this tamo ash. its really hard to bookmatch, since the grain is so erratic. I plan on doing an orange with red burst on this one.
  7. Been working quite a bit on a lot of projects lately. Made a good run and got 3 necks finished up.
  8. Here is the granadillo neck ive been working on. This stuff is amazing. Polishes to glass with just 2000 grit.
  9. I am hoping a few coats of poly will protect it well enough. Combined with huge fretwire it should last.
  10. Here is something ive always wanted to try.
  11. The ziricote ss is just about finished being buffed out. I got exceptional clarity on this one. Im quite pleased with how it came out color wise. this one is getting gold hardware and bare knuckle juggernauts.
  12. The dragonburst is ready to assemble. I probably wont buy any pickups until i get a buyer. Its coming out even better than i pictured though!
  13. Hmm, good to know. I couldnt find much research on it or detaisl on the product. I do need to drain my compressor, now that i think about it! Good to know!
  14. That was the main reason i wanted to try it. I had never seen it done before. I cant figure it out to save my life. Ive used a ton of different cleaners on it. I only wet sanded with mineral spirits. Ive tried cleaning the sealer with both acetone and wax and grease remover for automotive use. Still havnt found a solution. I ordered some crater and fisheye eliminator additive, so hopefully that will help.
  15. It must be cursed wood since before it was planted. It came out pretty well after that. Got a few fisheyes that need to be filled.
  16. Aint that the truth! I ended up spraying a couple coats of 2k clear on it, then using the UV sealer on top of that. It seemed to work well. I dont know why the sealer wouldnt stick to the ziricote smoothly.
  17. Ha, funny you say that. There are always unresolveable issues when i do finish work. The green one came out perfect first try somehow. Been working on the ziricote every day for the past 2 weeks and cant get it to come out right to save my life. Did about 7 different applications of sealer and had to sand it back down after multiple failures. Resorted to just spraying clear on it and sanding it back. Which i know doesnt work because ive tried that for the past 12 years.
  18. Yup, ive been using those exclusively since about 2012. Great tuners. I changed the plans on the 7 string i posted. Had planned on the redwood burl, but found some better tamo ash that will be even better for it.
  19. It seems like it removes a lot more compared to the previous design. Im already using the open back hipshots, and putting the strap button in the best possible place on an explorer. I didnt have many other options.
  20. Here is a new 7 string headstock design i came up with a while back. My previous design looked better, but it was too neck heavy. Had to get rid of some weight .
  21. AFter all these years ive finally found the product that works for me! Funny you say that. Because of the color, when i was trying to take pictures in the shade you couldnt tell the difference between the guitar and the grass.
  22. Here are a few pics of the dragonburst after being buffed. It is probably my best finish ever.
  23. Definitely not dry rot. The grain is hard and uniform. IVe had this problem a lot with zebrawood, which is why i chose to never buy it online again. But this time i got it from a local supplier. I dont know the moisture content, but they claim its always below 8% on the stuff they carry. Really frustrating though.
  24. Punky? It doesnt seem like dry rot to me. Ive had a lot of problems with the dark grain on zebrawood cracking like that. But never this much. What is punky?
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