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Posts posted by killemall8

  1. so a little rant

    I had always wanted an edge sander. I always thought that since they are platen back and flat, that they would produce a flat edge on anything.
    So i spent almost a thousand on a grizzly one, hoping to make my dream come true.

    Got it in  yesterday and assembled it.

    Ive never been so disappointed.

    It doesnt sand flat in any way. or square. there is no tension adjustment, and the belt has a little give when you push a workpiece against it.

    I had really wanted it to rough out a radius, flatten small pieces for gluing like scarfs and a ton of other things. Absolutely none of which it will work for.

    Worst 1000 i have ever spent and i cant return it.

  2. On 6/21/2020 at 10:37 AM, ScottR said:

    I've run out of superlatives. Those are simply stunning!

    The purple one is standing out for me today....might be a different one tomorrow.

    And that neck in the first shot! I want to eat it!


    Scotty! Thank you! I think we are each others biggest fans.
    That purple one is something else. It is basically chameleon. In low light its straight purple/ violet. In the sun, it pops to the color in the pics.

    On 6/21/2020 at 10:40 AM, Prostheta said:

    No no, you didn't get the job. That's not how I roll man 😉 haha

    I appreciate that. I do have a confirmed project for you though, if you have time

    19 hours ago, komodo said:

    Yes yes, that neck. What was your process to achieve that? Wow.

    And those SOOOOOPER clean lines of gloss top and natural wood edge. waaaat?!

    That first neck is roasted maple. Its just how it looks, i didnt do anything to it!


    Ive perfected the transition line between the top and the side. Makes it look so crisp!

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Prostheta said:

    Great work year on year, Luis. Did your guy ever come through on the Dime headstock? That green Maple top is better than any Dime Slime I've ever seen as well....good job!

    Thanks Carl. That green one came out exactly like i hoped. For some reason everybody always roasts me about using green.
    That dime headstock build was a disaster in communication. Speaking of which, i do owe you some money for the time you put into it at the time


  4. 11 hours ago, ScottR said:

    Thanks Luis!

    I tested the acetone method enough on scrap between builds to know I like it. It acts a lot like mixing with alcohol, but only more aggressive. It dries faster and the wipe back takes more dye back out. I'm tying that in with my sandback method, but less sanding is involved and the amount of contrast created is especially nice.


    Awesome. thats the main reason i use it. The wipe back leaves it so clean on the grain you would sand back anyway.


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  5. 37 minutes ago, ScottR said:

    Crazy good!

    Are you spraying your bursts with an airbrush or a gun? Or something else entirely? They are very well executed however they are done!


    Thanks! Ive spent so much time dialing in the perfect burst.
    I do use a mini detail spray gun for the bursts. Much more controllable and i get really consistent results!
    The blue one i really dialed it back to minimum settings and used it to just do a very fine edge.

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