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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. Yeah, i've ordered a bolt on neck for my custom guitar because covering a body in aluminium sheets with a set or through neck would be a nightmare, at least its not going to be as tough with the bolt on.
  2. Hi, I hope no one will mind much if I have this in the wrong section of the forum but i guessed that it will get viewed by more of the target audience in this section. My question is simply: what are all the tools etc that you will need for working on guitars and repairing them (in the electronics department)? Thanks for any responses guys.
  3. Hi, whats the difference between bolt on, neck through and glue in neck joints? As in what are the differences in terms of sound? I hear that bolt on has the least sustain and neck through has the most sustain out of these three. What other differences are there and are the sound differences very minimal like with different types of wood? Thanks.
  4. Not that I have a guitar with built in stuff (yet) but I don't mind built in stuff in a guitar as long as not all the body has been routed lol . However, if your sustainer could be made so people could choose to either fit it inside their guitar or not have to route then it will appeal to a whole load more people and that would be great for it.
  5. Cool, good stuff. I like the idea of a slide pot for sensetivity changes, that would be a good idea and a cool little feature.
  6. Your wanting to know which is the live wire, which is the ground etc? Which pickup you wanting to know this for, the infinity?
  7. You certainly shouldn't be disapointed with Kent Armostrongs.
  8. Were these couple of hundred chips, transistors etc defective in any way. If not then how did they let them go to you for free? If they were defective, how were they useful?
  9. Which is a good thing because if every slightly incorrect wiring resulted in pickups blowing up then we would all go through so many pickups that the pickup companies would out do microsoft in the profits department.
  10. Cool, I don't know how much they normally cost. But still, free isn't bad at all lol.
  11. Oh right, so when plating a guitar are you wanting to be going for metal about 2mm thick then to avoid any problems over time?
  12. When I was toalking to someone about what TOM to get (gotoh, schaller etc) I was told that gotoh make top class products so yeah I think they are good. They certainly ain't bad anyway.
  13. How much research did it take you both to come up with this knowledge? psw whats your background and how did you get into this. Lovekraft again, what is your background and how did you aquire your knowledge for this. I am certainly enjoying reading it but unfortunately it is over my head, but i'm trying to understand as much as I can.
  14. I had epoxy recommended when asking about sticking metal sheets onto my guitar body. Looks like epoxy is popular.
  15. Thats why he shouldn't go for Warmoth. He could buy a Jackson guitar or an Ibanez guitar with 24 frets and the neck pickup is in the standard place. Where as with the Warmoth 24 fret necks, they are actually standard 22 fret necks with a fingerboard extension.
  16. That could work as good as the wireless guitar lead systems that are on the market? So what exactly should I search for at RadioShack? Wireless mic transmitter and receiver? Thanks Ansil.
  17. Kent Aromstrong does good pickups but as LoveKraft said they might not be under $40.00.
  18. Don't Ibanez do 24 fret guitars? I think they are bolt on too aren't they?
  19. Hi, wireless guitar leads are damn expensive, but was just wondering. It would be pretty cool if you could actually make them. So, can you make them to as good a quality as the mass produced ones on the market. Whats the technology behind them, is it just radio frequencies that the signal is being transfered by? Thanks for any information guys.
  20. LOL, sorry, just decided like adding in a joke back there.
  21. And that name would mean that the driver would sell worldwide. But probably for the wrong reasons lol.
  22. Ok I actually got that the wrong way round. Tone capacitors knock off the trebles when you turn the tone pot down. The higher the value capacitor, the more trebles that are knocked off when the tone pot is turned down.
  23. Capacitors are necessary on tone pots because they keep the treble tones as you decrease the tone pot.
  24. Ok cool, was the rest of what I posted a valid comment or not?
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