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Posts posted by jay5

  1. I would like to but I dont really know exactly what you are trying to do. Are you going to build the whole thing or just the body? You could just use standard ferrules like stewmac sells if you wanted to avoid the neck plate. You shouldnt have to attach the humbucker to the neck, just use pickup rings. You would need a neck with the same heel as the one in the picture. You also wont be able to use a standard neck pocket rout either. It all depends on how much work you want to do.

  2. Man, I have been at this school for 4 years and I just found out about it about 8 months ago. They call it the "Crafts Center". They have all kinds of "studios" ytou can access, pottery, lapidary, a dark room, all kinds of crap. Good luck using the engineering schools stuff. I am at a college with a huge engineering school and they wont let you go near stuff. I did sneak into the metal shop with my girlfriend a semester ago and got to mess around in there for a while. I am really suprised that the shop I work in even exists. I can imagine the liability being an issue. I wonder if because it's a state school that it's similar to the military base situation.

  3. Well, let make take the oppurtunity to reccomend David Myka, if simply on the basis of his helpfulness to me in the past. Perry Ormsby and Jeremy are both exceptionally good luthiers but as Perry alluded to, his location (Australia) might not be the most conducive to your needs. Despite that, he still is full custom so that is somthing to keep in mind. LGM is in Canada and also an excellent option. You will have to email Jeremy and discuss your wants and needs. I know he has a ton of work going on with his Leviathan line as well as the multitude of other things he generally seems to be involved in. At the same time, I know Davis is working on several projects at the moment as well. From what you have described, and from the little I know, Myka seems to be the best fit for you at this point. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.

  4. Perry is spot on here. You most likely arent going to get any offers from anyone qualified to do the job and the people who may respond will be the ones to be wary of. I am not saying that this is the rule, but it has been the case pretty much 99% of the time in the past. Honestly, for the money that a custom body and neck would run you from a reputable luthier would be much better spent on a few good tools to do the job yourself.

  5. I have to be honest, from the way you were hyping this thing I wasnt sure what to expect. I do like it a lot, the burst flows perfectly, but I can't say I am 100% blown away. I do like it though. I cant wait to see it finished. You owe it to us to finish a guitar! If for nothing else than having to read all your rediculous country lyrics!

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