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Everything posted by truerussian558

  1. the hting is that generally when guitarist sre taking about coil tapping they're talking about coil splitting
  2. you could always find an old hous painted with lead paint, strip the paint and grind it to a paste
  3. oh and by the way, welcome to the forums oh and i forgot that on the main project guitar site, there is a list of numerous hardware suppliers, that is if you are willing to get it shipped from the U.S.
  4. i beleive hyunsu is from south korea, hes a really good bbuilder, maybe you can pm him, or wait till he shows up, but he doesnt notice pms so maybe you can find his email
  5. if you have a 3 piece neck (with the center piece being a totally differnt wood), would it cause a problem to use it as the fretboard(in other words no glued on fretboard, like the fender maple necks)? thanks in advance
  6. you can always take some aluminum foil (2 bucks for like 50 square feet), spray some adhesive on it (or coat), and just use it like tape inside the cavities and on the pickguard
  7. the fact that your not going to find a bridge for 6 guitar strings and 6 bass strings in one is a problem, though there are ways to go around this, i beleive there are 1 string bridges floating around on the internet, for odd string combinations, odd string spreads, and/or for fanned frets, also you need to worry about the immense pressure exerted on the neck, and that the chances of neck problems increase dramatically, also playing on that thick of a fretboard becomes uncomfortable yet always possible, hell you can probably even go like the chapman stick, that one can have as many as 15 strings, also the extended pickups are a problem,b ut yet again you can have a seperate pickup for the bass strings, and a seperate pickup for the guitar strings,like the stick does i just realized you wanted to make a stick, this itself adds a variety of problems, forst they use their own fret system that has a 90 degree edge facing the strings so that when you tap it becomes more pronounced and gives you dynamic possibilities, also they're action is extremely low, but luckily the guiutar itself is fairly easy, its just a stick, with a headstock vut out, and a rectangel routed out near the botom for the electronics "box"
  8. no you can always wire your own tap, the basic rundown, is that theres a wire connecting the two coils, and if you connect another wire to that wire and use it as a lead, the second coil isnt used at all, and then you can connect it to any kind of switch,
  9. wait this is which ones we like, not which sex we are, right... im all straight, and proud of it hel i wont even look at porn if theres some guy in the photo
  10. the guy i called here said, 40 bucks for the nut job and then 10 bucks for a complete setup
  11. as you might now, a humbucker, is like 2 reverse polarity single coils, wired in a series, thus they cancel noise, the same way that the 2 and 4th position on a strat hum less because the middle pickup has a reversed polarity (relative to the others), so they act like a humbucker, COil tapping a humbucker means thet you only use one of the coils on a humbucker, basically making it a signle copil pickup,
  12. memorizing scales is a stupid way to go, it will blow your brains as there are literrary thousands of scales out there, take a book on theory, or look in the thread curtis mentioned, its a lot better to learn how to construct different types of scales, since youll only have to memorize 20 or so things, instead of memorizing every single scale, plus theory and scale construction will improve your rythm playing, and will improve your improvisation skills imensly
  13. it looks like they used a top on the guitar, and just drilled a lot of holes throught, after the carved it.
  14. i beleive they literally "block" it by putting a block between the trem block and the edge of the cavity, preventing it from moving, a blocked trem has more sustain then a trem, but less then a hardtail
  15. i ment the part about you being the ground is the bullshit, i beleive its explained, in one of the myths part of the guitar nutys page, everything else was correct, sorry i should have been more clear
  16. the yamaha classical i had had a ply top, and i wouldnt trade it for any other classical, until fate had it that the headstock snaped off (soft padded gigbag in an all concrete locker room is a bad combination)
  17. ergh caps, dont make me pull out the official flame form,
  18. tut tut, flame war on in the regular forums, in the future just use an officiall forum flame form its not filled out since i dont feel like joining a flame war, but for you people out there, feel free to use it Official Forum Flame =================================== Dear: [ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Loser [ ] Spammer [ ] 12 year old [ ] Pervert [ ] Nerd [ ] l337 d00d/"vet" [ ] Other: illegal immigrant You Are Being Flamed Because [ ] You posted a Nudity thread (anime or normal). [ ] You whine like a bitch. [ ] You bumped a thread from the last page. [ ] You started an off-topic thread. [ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message . [ ] You don't know which forum to post in. [ ] You posted false information (or lack thereof). [ ] You posted something totally uninteresting. [ ] You doubleposted. [ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS (oR aLtErNaTe CaPs). [ ] You posted a X > Y thread. LAME. [ ] I don't like your tone of voice. To Repent, You Must: [ ] Give up your AOL Internet account [ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it [ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor [ ] Actually post something relevant [ ] Be my love slave [ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum [ ] Go stand in the middle of an intersection In Closing, I'd Like to Say: [ ] Get a life [ ] Never post again [ ] I pity your dog [ ] I think your IQ must be 6 [ ] Take your crap somewhere else [ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment [ ] Go play Dress-Up Barbie Online™ [ ] All of the above
  19. theres a stick on tuner on musicians friend...
  20. still better then an outright shock though thiugh you should try to find some ultra fast fuses, or a fuse that is very low value so the enormous voltae will burn it out quickly but the idea is to make it so the shock isnt fatal, you will still get a shock but it wont be as deadly, also a fuse and or cap doesnt substitute checking the mains wiring at any location you play at, just to be sure.
  21. here, here, and here are tutorials on how to strip the old paint, plus here is the whole painting and refinishing tutorial section, im sure you will find a few of those usefull, also check in the inlay and finishing forum as well as the inlay and finishing tutorial forum.
  22. if your worried about the pots going live, you could always put the fuse, or cap on the wire going to ground on the plug, but if the fuse goes, so does your guitar, so maybe a cap there might also not hurt, i think a fuse is better for the bridge since the hum doesnt increase, though if there is a shock it suddenly get s a lot louder because the fuse breaks, im not an expert in values and such but ive read enough on shielding to give some advice, (mainly from the guitar nuts site ) so i think you should try to get the lowest voltage fuse, i think ten volts will do, hell even 110 volts would do, especially if its the amp that fails and puts a few hundred volts dc on the ground, ouch...,
  23. the above advice (not lovekraft) was all wrong, grounding the strings, brings a chance of getting shocked, this is a rare appearance, and probably will never happen to you if you play only at home or gig at one place, but if you tour a lot, and gig at many places, the chances of a badly grounded socket incereasem especially if its an outdoor concert, also so does the possibility of tube amp failure, if you groun d the bridge, and because of faulty wiring in the socket, the ground becomes live, you will have a verry nasty and potentially deadly shock when you play the guitar, but then again not grounding the bridge/strings, increases hum about 2 fold, do the best thing to do if you are worried is eaither to wire it through a cap, or what in my oppi9nion is better, wiring it through a fuse. also black mariah's answer is also bullshit, you are not the ground, actually you are the one being grounded, i think theres something on thios in the guitar nuts page listed by lovekraft. of course there is a chance of you being the ground, but how aoften are you playing with your feet on a steel block, or in a puddle of water, so that you do turn into a ground also the only other time youd do become the ground, is if the voltage is lethal, as in you have a few hundred volts going through your body that can jump to the nearest equipment (microphone etc), or throuigh the ground if its strong enough. edit: here is the guitar nuts page on shock hazards
  24. thats correct, but only for the fundamental tone, which the entire string vibrates, but the physics of the string cause it to create several overtones, each vibrate an octave higher then the last, and therfore diveide the string into the same number of parts as the number of octavbes higher then the fundamental it is, so each overtone has several antinodes each, and each overtone has 1 more antinode then the overtone before it.
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