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Everything posted by crafty

  1. Well, he also said he wants the pedal to be wireless, so where's your diagrams for that? Listen, we could get stuck in a battle royale over this moot point, but coming from a point of ease of use in performance, simplicity, and reliability, the blower switch is the better option. Running A/B boxes is a great idea if you're using piezo bridges to separate amps, several guitars, or true stereo setups, but for something like this it's just an unnecessary kludge.
  2. Wow, I'm all for experimentation and all, but for God's sake, just wire up a freakin' blower switch already! You keep the main selector switch on the neck pickup, and when it comes time to switch on the distortion, you flick the big blower switch thus bypassing the selector and stomp on your overdrive. It's a lot better than trying to stomp on your distortion AND your bridge pickup at the same time.
  3. Well, the '70s Les Pauls ARE actually starting to appreciate in value somewhat. Maple necks, pancake bodies, and different electronics give 'em just a little bit different sound and a lot of players started out with '70s Les Pauls. Having said that, being repainted doesn't help, the EMGs don't hurt (the original pickups were garbage), and the tuners are a common mod. It sounds like it could be a good player with maybe a neck refinish and a fret level. Is it ever going to be worth as much as a '59 Les Paul? Nope. But I'm sure you'll still get your money back out of it should you ever want to sell it.
  4. Why is it that every time I'm going to vote for the bass someone like Setch or Marcovis has to drop an LP into the mix?
  5. Ack! I AM all about the clean work and I think the guitar turned out great! The guy who DID the work to Diezel's guitar really DID a great job. But I just hate it when someone's jonesin' to rub something in everyone else's face that didn't happen! NOBODY EVER QUESTIONED THE WORTH OF THE REPAIR. And oh my God, Setch, what part of you doesn't think that the words POON TANG RAT aren't offensive. Just because they aren't starred out by the censor software doesn't make it right, or mature. Okay, to keep myself from getting banned, here's what I'm going to do. And I really do mean it. I sincerely apologize to Setch, Wes .............and Diezel for offending their senses.
  6. You'd know the reason if you'd been around here last April when he started going off on most of us when we questioned his technique of repairing the neck. No one ever questioned the wisdom of completing the build--only the method--and for him to say otherwise IS inappropriate. Besides, I said the guitar turned out great. What else do you want from me, Wes?
  7. That's a classic bassist pose, goat. Right on. Q: What were you guys playing when that picture was taken? Some Journey? Faithfully or Stone In Love?
  8. Congrats. You can use a computer. Back in '99, pets.com would have killed to get a haXor like you. Yay. Let's spend some more money For free, of course Not that local. No one questioned whether it was worth it--only the way it was done. Just a shade under a year, too! A guitar with an unoriginal, yet probably better made neck than the original. Congrats. It turned out great. I'm sure Dime's estate appreciates your support.
  9. Well, there surely must be a shortage of quality instruments in the heavenly realms these days. My Source tells me a segment of the angels are switching over from harps to guitars. Stevie needs a fretjob on the Strat. 17 years of jamming nonstop with Jimi and Randy has been hell on the frets.
  10. No doubt, Drak. I think ever since that KFK set came out we must've had 10 people posting "how do I do this without this?" questions on it. Great marketing idea for EMG, prolly better than the ZW set was for them, but it's bad that they haven't been including better support with the set or going into more detail about what exactly it will do, other than supposedly making you sound like Kerry King.
  11. The voltage issue isn't so much a problem as the potentiometers. EMGs use 25k controls and the Duncans use 100k. If you put an SA in there with the Mustaine set the pots would act more like an on-off switch with that pickup. You might think about an 85/SA/SA combo or something like the EMG Lukather set. That'd probably get you the best range for what you're playing.
  12. Just put a LiveWire Classic or Hot single-coil in there. You might have to run another battery for it because the older LiveWires require an 18-volt source. I would contact SD to see if you can run the Mustaines on 18v too because that'll simplify your wiring a bit. Or you could just not put any pickup in the middle at all. With two humbuckers, a middle pickup does seem to get in the way sometimes.
  13. Wow, seems like unclej was posting just the other day. I guess we just gotta pay attention to each other while we're all here and remember each other when we're gone. We'll miss you unclej. Just a good guy to know.
  14. Hook up the bridge pickup directly to the output. Hook up the driver to the board and the battery to the output jack to complete the circuit. There's no need to mess with the switching system if you're not going to use the driver as a pickup. When you turn the system on it should turn on the driver provided you hooked up the power correctly.
  15. Mmmm...that's a CLEEEAN axe! Throw it in GOTM! That finish turned out beautiful. Very clean and tight lines, good craftsmanship and simplicity of execution. Doesn't look busy. Great job.
  16. Yeah, there are higher-wattage linear amps out there, but I'd be hesitant to start playing with 'em if this is the only amp you're depending on for the bread. You'll also have to figure out how to COOL the beast because the higher-wattage amps do run a lot hotter.
  17. I'd use whatever combo Lace recommends for those pickups. They're completely different than the original pickups in the Red Special.
  18. http://www.usacustomguitars.com/neckfeatures.html Check out this page again. Word is their fretwork is a lot better than Warmoth and they originally set out to improve upon what Warmoth was doing with their necks. If you're saving money on the body and pickups, it definitely won't hurt to put a little more into the neck. It's up to you, but I'd at least call up USACG and ask 'em point blank why you should buy their neck over Warmoth's for the price, and see what justification they give you. Quick note: Warmoth does supply great parts. They used to make the necks for the Yamaha Pacifica and the quality IS there. But they don't level the frets and the nut work leaves a lot to be desired--so much so I wouldn't pay the money they're asking for a pre-cut nut and do it myself or pay someone else to do it.
  19. Hey, how about you try that new Dave Mustaine pickup set? I hear it's supposed to have the same resonance as the passive JB/59 setup with the benefits of actives.
  20. Good find! Watch the heat on that part when you solder it back in. Once you mentioned it was a stereo amp and the right channel wasn't working, I figured the finals were blown. Nice of Line 6 to use a cheap chip amp like the 3886. Stuff like that is notorious for breaking pins because of thermal-mechanical stress.
  21. Check out USA Custom Guitars, too. They have some guys there that used to work at Warmoth and word is their necks are pretty tight, too.
  22. Which lead coming off the pickup is soldered to the push-pull switch? What they did was simply solder one wire to both leads inside the pickup. You can split the coils, but you can't do series/parallel between the coils that way.
  23. Okay, which channel is malfunctioning? Is it a clean or distorted channel? Gotta be something between that channel and the power amp section that's malfunctioning if it's still working through the headphone jack and bypassing the finals.
  24. Well, that's cool, just as long as you understand where we're coming from. I know myself I'd hate to see you sink $300-$400 into pickups that really aren't going to make a huge difference over stock Fenders or Duncans if you honestly felt like the boutiques were going to give you some new found mojo. Anyways, one thing I'd suggest is just find a little Fender Junior or Blues Junior amp. They're not very expensive and even the small tube amps like that'll bring out a lot of character in those high-end (and stock) pickups that the G-DEC and other processor-based amps just gloss over.
  25. It can probably be fixed, but you're going to have to find an authorized service center unless you have a schematic, VOM, and a digital logic probe.
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