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Everything posted by nsherman2006

  1. ok, thanks. I am determined to get myself out of this, so i'll try anything you guys can throw at me, and i'll stick with whatever works. Keep the tips coming, they're helpful. For now, i'm gonna nail 'voodoo chile', as it's my favorite song and i finally found decent tabs, anyone know where to get a tab that has the intro riffs, this one is missing the minisolo at the beginning? Thanks. Neal
  2. looks nice....can you post a pic of the whole think.....i'm interested as to how the body and headstock look together. Great work Neal
  3. I know what you're saying, the problem is, i just don't do it. I want to spend more time playing the guitar, but i just don't pick up the guitar and play. I will try regimented training, maybe it will work, but my main problem is the time i spend practicing. I want to spend at least an hour a day, but when i play, it seemas that i bore myself after an hour. Hopefully your tips will help, and maybe ill start noticing some improvements. Thanks. Neal
  4. First off, i want to say props to Curtis for having the cojones to post his stuff online next to some real experienced stuff. I think I am at the same level he is, and I need some help. I am starting to get decent after about 2 years, but it seems that i get bored of playing. I can't sit down and really practice for more than 30 mins. max. Also, I end up playing the same stuff over and over again, and only pick up a new song or two every month. I want to practice, but i just can't end up playing what i want, then i get frustrated when i try and fail. Anyone get what i'm trying to say? I love the guitar and will always play it, but i just can't seem to get better. Any suggestions? Thanks. Neal
  5. oh yeah, i really like those warwick multi-stands, they're good at saving space!!!
  6. well i don't really even play bass, i just fool around, i'm a backup guitarist/lead guitarist/singer(in that order), and i just like to mess around on the bass, so i don't really need more than one........i'm gonna hold onto it for a while anyway(it'll only increase in value), and see how nice i can make it without taking away any value, by trying to clean it up, make it really playable and set up right, and fix any problems, and then maybe i'll see what i can get for it. Anyway, thanks for the info, it is really appreciated. Neal
  7. yeah, as well as white, i thought that someone might say that, but i was too lazy to change it Neal
  8. well, the real problem is that i like the bass, so i want to play it while i have it, so i need a new tuning key, but because it's not even the entire machine(it still has all the functioning parts except for the actual parts that you use to get leverage and turn, i cant really justify spending around 60 bucks or more for an entire set of replacement schaller's. I dunno, i've been hoping i'll wander across a lonely one someday. Neal
  9. hey, even more info, i found some specs basswood body, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard, also was available in black and red, it's probably worth between 100-150 dollars, and IMO the best thing you could have gotten for 2 xbox cables. Start shreddin! Neal
  10. DING-DING-DING!!!!! 1989 ibanez ex140 I got it first, now what's my prize Neal
  11. well from what i can see it appears to be an late 80's/early 90's ex series guitar, probably something like ex150, not a real high end guitar, but i'd make the trade anyday(if i were on your side, that is) anyways, just practice and you'll make it a damned good guitar. Neal
  12. well i have a bass that's set up just right for me, and i don't think i'm going to sell this for a while, i'll hold onto it until it's value is satisfactory, but the only major part it is missing is the tuning key, the other parts i was debating replacing were the chrome bridge and pickup covers that went over the strings, but i have seen lots of these for sale without them, seems that they weren't very liked by the owners. Whatever. Thanks a lot for the help, it was just what i was looking for. Neal
  13. i sent you a PM dave. Thanks for your help. Neal
  14. no, i don't think this was hot, as the person had NO clue what they were selling, and it was actually more of a space clearout than a flea market, but it was next to a flea market, and this person was getting rid of some stuff which came out of the garage of the former owner of the palladium(i also got a comfy tiger stripe strap for a buck), and i just happened to be in the right place in the right time Neal
  15. thanks for putting up with my idiocy mullmuzzler, now watch my account go down.....it takes a lot of patience to deal with me, and I really appreciate it. Neal
  16. Thanks bluespresence, that was what i was looking for.....what do you think would happen to the value if i were to replace parts that aren't on the instrument, like the bridge and pickup covers, with vintage stuff, but still nonoriginal? Thanks. Neal
  17. the only thing i found was a body and neck(seperate), but they were in pretty good condition, and i couldn't really get an accurate representation of value. I will keep looking on ebay, but i was wondering if there is any sort of blue book for guitars that would list that sort of thing? Thanks. Neal
  18. Hi. I am going to try led inlays on a cheap gibson ripoff, then a saga kit, and then i'm going to try it on a 'real' guitar. NAyway, on this cheap gibson copy, I have these huge rectangles of MOP as inlays, and i dont think it would bode well for led's, not to mention the fretboard and frets are crap anyway. I want to get a pre-slotted fingerboard, but i dont want to pay the 25 bucks stewmac wants, seeing as i only need a cheap fingerboard. I dont think i'm capable of making one myself quite yet, so i was wondering where the cheapest place i could get a decent pre-slotted fingerboard? Any input would be appreciated. Neal
  19. hi. a couple months ago i picked up a 1979 fender p-bass at a flea market for 25 bucks, with nonoriginal hsc. Its pretty roughed up, missing one tuning key(not the whole tuner, just the key, still holds a string), neck is very worn, and has a frontbow, body is chipped and scratched, missing covers for bridge and pickup, and overall in pretty bad shape, but still completely playable, and had tons of tone+sustain. I've seen ones in pristine condition for up to 1300 bucks, good condition up to 1000, but i haven't seen any examples of any roughed-up ones, except for one that had already sold and had no price listed. Does anyone here have any idea of pricing? I appreciate your help. Thanks. Neal
  20. yeah, you see, i'm an idiot, and i just put an address that doesnt even resemble my real address.......thats what i use for everything else, but my real address is nealgolf88@hotmail.com.........i'm such an idiot......lol thanks for your help mullmuzzler. Neal
  21. just have a headstock of roman himself.....he's a stubby guy.....lol i think it would be neat to se a somewhat refined triangle headstock like you see on flying v's, maybe you could make it more of a trapezoid, making the top wider and fancier.....i dunno, it's probably best not to listen to me at times. Neal
  22. sorry to be so impatient, but does anyone have any info? I really want to try LED's out(on a saga kit) and really need some info. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks lots. Neal
  23. did the fingerboard crack, if not, there's a tutorial on removing them, maybe you could salvage it to put on your new neck. Neal
  24. well, im gonna buy the kit anyway(it's gonna be my second), but i don't like rattlecans at all, i think i'm going to do a brush-on semi-gloss or satin lacquer over a dye/stain(not sure) comprised of minwax polycrilic and lots of red food coloring and after that, sanding selaer, followed by the lacquer, brushed on in thin coats, but built up to be real thick, and until i'm happy with the shine/depth. I don't like cans because they're more expensive, i have to use more than one, and i mess up with them, creating lots of spits and runs. I'm going to start whenever possible(might not be until summer) and i'll keep you guys updated. Just one more question for now: are polycrilic(water based) and lacquer compatible? Thanks for your help. Neal
  25. i say put on a beechwood fingerboard, imo they look awesome. Neal
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