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Everything posted by rabidmoose171

  1. It is string trough, well kinda, yea. oh well it was just something differenent. Scratch the idea. Ill just do a mccarty or tune o matic on my next project
  2. not uh, i was here firstest... anyway. Anyone gonna help?
  3. Couldnt find it... ya ive been here since aprilish... no name is here too. Anyway, i was enlightened that the neck would have to be angeled back, someone tell me how hard this would be, and how to do it.
  4. So i was thinking about converting my moded up the butt rg from a hard tail to a tun o matic. Right now its just based on looks, and me thinking i would get better harmonics... set me strait. And how would i need to go about measuring so i dont screw up the scale lenght, and intonation.
  5. wouldnt it give you a nice little shock too?
  6. but then you cant use the neck pickup,and quickly cut that...
  7. http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/attac...tid=10507&stc=1 ^^^killswitch
  8. Ive got the same problem, but i think its my amp, but it is plugged into the ground properly... oh well.
  9. Can you share scematics over the email, or are you just selling the pedals themselves? rabidmoose171@hotmail.com
  10. how bout a staple gun, also what would you put over it, anything, im just worried about edges of the cans getting caught on something and sticking up.
  11. I remember a few weeks back someone had the idea to put beer cans on... well i decided i would do Mountain Dew cans, not that it matters... i just think the color is really out there, and i love mah dew... so yea. Anyway, how would everyone recomend attaching them. screws or glue? And how would tons of screws going into the body affect the sound. And also, would it be better to take off my current finish? Thanks And as a side note, what material saddles do you use on hardtails, im thinking about buying a graphite set, but was wondring if anythig was better.
  12. methinks it would be easier to buy some new pikcups
  13. Its slightly more than just changing em out just like that. The humbuckers have 5 wires, including the ground... Whilst single coils only have 2... you only have to hook up 2 of the buckers wires, unless you want to be able to have cool combinations, its pretty easy though. There are tons of schematics, anyone here will be glad to help you, and if all else fails you can take it to a shop and theyll do it for a small fee.
  14. http://ax84.com/media/ax84_m37.pdf right click->save as
  15. The capacitor wont affect whether you have sound or not... i dont even have one in one of my guitars.... Its not likley taht your pickups are bad. Did you follow the right schematic?
  16. The dimarzio Evolutions are also pretty damn hot, and i personally love dimarzio. Wiring a tone knob is incredbly easy, its just a .10 or .22 or somewhere around that size cap soldered onto a 500k pot, with a wire from the volume. heres a diagram for Dimarzio pickups that i used
  17. http://www.geofex.com/ http://www.muzique.com/schem/ http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/v2/
  18. Hmm, they would but i know my fretboard pretty damn well though.
  19. Im sorry if this has been done but i did a little search and didnt come up with anything. I know there are fretless basses all over, but howsabout fretless guitars, i wanna know everything about them, so any info post please.
  20. ok, i got it, thas corect,so if anyone needs to wire pickups from dimarzio that would be correct.
  21. Would this be the correct way to wire to dimarzios into a ibanez rg gutar?the pickup diagram
  22. Ok, first off, dont tell me to go get it professionaly done, thats not an option, for one, i have the things to do it, i can solder just fine, and this is my project not some random guy that i pay to do something i can do fine myself. Ok anyway. When your putting new pickups in humbuckers, dimarzio air norton in the neck and the tone zone in the bridge to be exact, both black and creme, does it matter which part points twoards the neck and which part points to the bridge, like i want both cremes on the inside and both blacks on the outside. If you need to wire it differently tell me... thanks.
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