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Everything posted by verhoevenc

  1. Ok, I've been ALL over Miami looking for this stuff and no one has it, from the usual suspects like radio shack and ace hardware, to specialty electric stores?! Is it normal that the only people carrying this are online? Chris
  2. OK, I'm emailing that guy to give the the TOTAL low down on these pickups. But I noticed something about them as well which makes me think that this guy MAY just be correct about the 10k. On ebay there's a guy selling one, the same guy that told me both neck and bridge have the same DC..... he's ALSO selling a SH-12, and a old tele deluxe pickguard which makes me go (oh, he's selling off all the pickup related stuff, jsut split it up into different auctions). Also, seymour duncan says that the SH-12s are 10k as well. So I bet he had those paired BECAUSE of that fact. Since he says both the neck and bridge are the same, he probably just had the bridge "wide-range" and was searching for the closest he could buy to match it with the character of having another in the bridge... and stumbled along the SH-12. (I'm really just listing this info so if anyone down the road comes along wondering about these pickups they'll know [i've been researching for HOURS literally about these things]). I'll update when I get emails back from more people about them (liek the guy that wrote that review). Chris PS: PLEASE no one bid on these things.... I want them SO bad!!!!
  3. ok, a little more knowledge if it helps anyone in their quest to help me... so on the 72 tele thinline parts list on the website, it lists the bridge and neck as being a different part number.... however when i searched yahoo for the bridge pickups part number it brought up a shop in new orleans listing one in their inventory.... but in the description it said "neck or bridge" as in that it doesn't matter.... Chris
  4. Yeah, they do make newer version obviously to put into their reissue teles.... however the particular one I'm looking at is a guy that has a ginuine one from the 70s that's ALL tarnished and reliced out and NASTY (i LOVE it ahahah). However, I'd like to know the info of them regardless, cause in future guitars I build I won't nessesarily have the option for getting one from that long ago genuine. Chris PS: This is the one I'm talkin' about
  5. Ok, so I wanna get an ORIGINAL Fender Wide-Range humbucker along with my GFS vintage split (copy of one), so the prototype can have the actual original (the neu x E-series in "progress" section). However, since fender makes alot more guitars with them in the neck position, and not so many with them in the bridge... it's hard to find the bridge one I want... I contacted one of the sellers on ebay of a neck one, and he said that the ohm reading on this one (neck) and the last one he tested (a bridge) had the same reading?! Sounds a little fishy to me?!?! So what's the difference between the neck and bridge versions then?? could this be posible? Anyone have the ACTUAL specs? Any info here would help.... Chris PS: it's a pain cause fender doesn't sell them seperately, you can ONLY get them IN a guitar. PPS: what does happen if you put a pickup designed for neck position in the bridge position??? Chris
  6. oh yeah... if you wanna know what those "vintage split" buckers are like, of course you could go try out a tele with them... but for soemm reason they're hard to come by in stores, my guitar center has NEVER had one.... OR, go listen to a band called "motion city soundtrack". the guitarist there uses them in both his teles. One has bridge and neck with them, the other has just neck, and a single coil i the bridge. Hope that helps. Chris
  7. awww.... there goes my awesome original design! Who's Mr. Sustainer Himself?? Chris
  8. Yup, my current progect is tele thinline-esque, and I'm using a "wintage split" those humbuckers you see on teles from like the 70s where theres 6 pole pieces like usually, but three are in one line, three in another. it's actually cause there's FOUR coils in there! (but each coil only covers 3 strings each...) and then they wire it to that the front left and back right are one coil, and the other two are the other coil, and voila, humbucker in a new coolw ay . Either way, that's what I'm putting in the bridge (along with a P90 in a humbucker box for the neck). You can get both from GFS pickups online all the time (called Vintage Split and Dream 90). Alot cheaper and shorter a wait than buying someone's that they took out of their tele on ebay (cause they do NOT sell them outside their guitars...) Chris
  9. hahah, no, but one of the things i LIKE about this is that it isn't convincing.... I was thinking last night.... why not go all the way through?! Like on the JEMs.... but a F-HOLE monkey grip?! I love it! Chris
  10. OK, so I came up with the COOLEST idea.... so you have a solidbody... but want sweet looking f-holes.... here's what ya do. Build your body, then build a template of the f-holee shape you want, and then just route it into the top of the body. then paint the inside walls black... 'd say it'd be something quite "out there" and new! I'm tempted to do it!! (next build maybe?) Chris For those of you that still don't follow, it's like a normal f-hole.. but instead of the f-hole opening leading to a large inner cavity, the cavity is jsut the exact same size and shape as the hole... and right below it
  11. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think it speifically said "for guitar" it was just on a guitar parts site... so I assumed. I got it from specialtyguitars.com and I think it was like 80 cents or something?? Chris
  12. THAT MAN IS GENIOUS! ive him a prize... so I finally got the knob off (pot got destroyed.... ) and I took a phillips #3 style screw driver to the inside of the knob! it still has SOME knurling left, but not much, andyou still have to push to get on/off, but it worked SO well and is actually use-able now! thank you SO much, you just made my day (and it's been a pretty bad day, got a bolt in my car's tire and everything!). Chris
  13. so i'm guess i can pretty much count that pot and that knob out from now on then? Chris
  14. I think i just BROKE this pot trying to get a push on knob off?! What the heck?! WHy do they make them so hard?! There's no WAY I can safely push one of those on when the pot is attached to the 1/8" thick top!? It'ss crack right through with the pressure needed to push it on?! Chris
  15. well i know exactly what it is, it's a 600v .022mf cap. but I have no meter... so I guess I'll just try it. Chris
  16. SO can I use it on my guitar? or should I just go out and get a tiny ceramic one??? Chris
  17. And now for the real thing, I've created all my recon turqoise web dots (for the fretboard AND the pickup rings's stone lined screw holes) and I've laid it out on the fingerboard (keep in mind it's not yet tapered). Any and all comments welcome. Chris Answer to Prevail below: technically one side is longer, cause the lower frets are larger... but other than that I'm not sure what exactly ya'll mean. Like add another smaller wave like above it almost paralleling it? Or like have the figure eight and have the upper left and lower right one longer than the upper right and loser left? kinda like the illusion myung's bass gives off? Feel free to grab my pic and photoshop what you mean if it helps.
  18. Alright, so like I promised, the neck was routed this morning, and here's the front back and side view of it. The headstock needs a COUPLE things to be done by hand in order for it to be finished, but you get the idea. Chris
  19. hahahaha, I'm having trouble dealing with only ONE side. cause I originally designed the inlay in metric, but now am using imperial sized drill bits to create the dots... so it's proving hard. I've come up with the sizes I think i want to use (going from middle largest dot to outter smallest dot) 19/64, 1/4, 13/64, 5/32, 1/16 HOWEVER am I asking for trouble wanting to inlay a dot that small??? (1/16) And the single "wave" is actually growing on me (over the X) the more that I look at it... Only thing I'm afraid of is that I'll get my dots on and be like "DAMN they seem too small...." So maybe I will get rid of the 1/16, having the 5/32 as the smallest, and then having the big middle dot be 11/32..... such indecisiveness!!! Chris
  20. Oh yeah, another question for ya'll....I "m still stuck on this inlay idea... I can't seem to find anything that works 100%, so I was gunna ask what you guys thought of this (it'll match the recon stone lined screw holes of the pickup rings too ) So tell me what cha think? I'm thinking this may be the final design for this guitar's inlay... Except I might make them a LITTLE more spread out than they appear so that all the dots are in the center of frets... (center dot on the 12th). Chris
  21. Just letting ya'll know, the neck will be tapered and the headstock shape ALMOST finished cutting out. So check back later, I'll edit this post to include all the good stuff (pics, etc.) Chris PS: Just cut off the excess wood so that I can route this stuff..... finally got a look at how the scarf turned out (looked kinda off from the sides) but MAN did it turn out flawless once you cut into the wood a bit! Neck's gunna be PERFECT! Edit: Ok, so I lied, I didn't get the full tapering done today, but I did cut off the bulk of the extra wood and it'll hit the router first thing tomorrow hopefully! Until then, here's a rough look at the neck: and here's a pick of the wood and the templates... may help you get a better idea of how it WILL look... Templates and Wood Sorry this build is going so slowly... I'm lazy like that hahahaha, Chris
  22. These what you're refering to?: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Disp...temnumber=42006 and http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Disp...temnumber=47032 ? I'm just hoping my drill will spin fast enough for these (and no it's not cordless... but still skeptical, they seem pretty big (ie: lots a rotational inertia). Chris
  23. go check the PRS site, something MUST have happened because they've listed all the single cut models back up?! Chris
  24. URG! I KNOW I've seen someone have one for sale on here recently, but I searched the classifieds, and use the search thing from what I remembered and came up with nothing. Where can you get those sanding attachments for power drills??? Chris
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