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Posts posted by RestorationAD

  1. wip34.jpg


    Besides... it's not THAT bad.

    It is more yellow than I originally wanted. The can showed it to be more mustard than this. I like it though, so I'll stick with it.

    :D ewwwwwwwwwwwww.... Flourescent Orange would be better. You know how I feel about these abominations anyway.... :D

    jk -- you didn't think I would stop making fun of the C*^%&s did you?

    BTW here is the Corvus for sale locally Craigslist

  2. BUT... if I had some nice clear 8/4 pine, I might go for it. The only real reason pine isn't used is because it's too soft. Hmmmm. Maybe a call to the lumber yard is in order.

    Don't waste the nice piece of pine.

    You know Ibanez uses basswood and it is soft as crap too...

    You know there is a cult of dudes who only build Pine Telecasters somewhere just north of Nashville...

    At some point you might have to play this POS... cause you won't be able to sell it. And if you play it you might like it. Then we will all have to stop answering your threads cause you will be afflicted with neckdiveitis and pisspoordesignaphoma and none of us will want to catch it.

  3. Maybe today I'll start up the body blank, just to keep you going. I might have enough ash to piece together a laminated center. If not, I have a good mahogany piece. I think the wings will be poplar. Maybe a poplar/maple combo.

    My wood suggestions include:

    Use the pallet runners nice wood is shipped on.

    plywood stolen from a garbage bin.

    used counter top from habitat for humanity.

  4. Seriously ... . . . ***? I told you not to build it.

    Go and tell your master that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest. If he will give us food and shelter for the night, he can join us in our quest for the Holy Corvus.

    Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he will be very keen. Uh, he's already got one, you see.


    He said they've already got one!

    Are you sure he's got one?

    Oh yes, it's very nice!

    Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

  5. After a recent round and round with soft maple I can tell you it is lighter than hard maple.

    I have been contemplating carving some relief into the back of my headstock to reduce weight on a current project. You know just carving a shallow bowl into the back of the headstock to reduce weight without hurting strength (leaving the edges full thickness and the face flat). Sounds weird but I might try it this weekend and post some pics....

  6. Use Model B5

    And you could try (expensive because you have to buy 2 sets)

    5 Star Banjo Pegs

    Also using maple in the neck will make it heavier than using mahogany throughout.

    This is a crazy idea but if I was worried about weight and balance I would use Sapele everywhere I planned on using Mahogany. Since you are doing a Maple neck through it will probably not sound different and would sure solve the weight issue as Sapele is heavier than Mahogany in my experience. \m/ Padauk or Wenge would work also. \m/

    Hard Maple Pounds per cubic foot maximum


    Hard Maple Pounds per cubic foot minimum


    African Mahogany Pounds per cubic foot maximum


    African Mahogany Pounds per cubic foot minimum


    Sapele Pounds per cubic foot maximum


    Sapele Pounds per cubic foot minimum


    Padauk Pounds per cubic foot maximum


    Padauk Pounds per cubic foot minimum


    Wenge Pounds per cubic foot maximum


    Wenge Pounds per cubic foot minimum


  7. Performax 16-32 here - love it. You have to check and tweek the level on the drum if you use it a lot, but it's easy to do.

    I've personally found more uses for an open-ended sander, like planing the Les Paul neck angle into the body:




    That is one serious piece of wood (looks expensive).... Nice nice nice!!!


  8. Jet Performax 10 - 20

    Great machine ... little too small. Have to plan ahead when doing bodies. Adjusting the table to be able to run one pass and turn the piece and run another was a time consuming effort and has to be checked when I change paper. Works great for small pieces. I would buy it again... but if I had the money I would buy the 16 -32

  9. Now you said V.... that is worth while and easy enough. You need to fix the epiphone headstock... make it pointy if you build a King V.

    If you build the Canopener ... I mean Corvus I am going to taunt your build thread... :D

    You should build a Mockingbird or a Bich if you don't build the V.

    I have always like the Single Cut Melody Maker. Nice simple....

  10. I had bought some flame maple for a few necks earlier this year. I built one and started another out of it.

    I now have a finished neck. I used the same wood for the fret board. I had a problem with the fret ends popping up (just a little)... and they went in too easy. So I super glued them down. Then I started thinking... went into my pile of scraps and saw the big color/hardness difference between my older maple and the newer stuff.

    So I was at my local wood store today to look at the flame maple I bought. Then I noticed the sign had changed. It now read "Soft Flamed Maple". Now I should have known better because I have been at this a long time but sometimes.... anyway.

    Ever use Big Leaf Maple for a neck and fretboard?

    Or should I salvage the trussrod and make firewood out of it?

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