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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. i know some of you hate this guy but is that gorgeous or what?
  2. took it apart.everything says either u.s.a. or sprague
  3. i think i will take it apart today and see what i find out.
  4. no i looked for it.it was stripped down as if someone wanted to renovate it and never did.
  5. thanks for the vote of confidence brian.
  6. fender musical instruments,a division of cbs inc. fullerton california thats what it says on the back.
  7. it's definately a fender.says fender u.s.a on the back panel.and most of the tubes are fender.i think it probably is a faulty tube like you said on the reverb.i just need to find out what it is so i can get the right tubes in the right spot.maybe it's not as old as i think it is.could it be some kind of obscure 80s model?i got it in about 1993 and before that it belonged to a friend of mine since about 89.it has looked just like that since i first saw it.i bought it for about $100 if i remember right and just considered it a p.o.s. even though it had a pretty good sound.it always had those old tubes though so i think it would probably sound pretty nice with new ones. the in amp gain is very harsh and it has lots of it but the clean tone is nice and is a good base for my gain pedal.
  8. the jury is still out on the headstock but it will not be a standard v style.i am thinking a 3 by 3 headstock with a cutout of some type between the tuners.i am open to suggestions on that too.my feet will be taking whatever finish falls on them.
  9. i wish i had that kind of artistic talent.that's definately my weak area.
  10. something else i have been considering is painting the wings black and staining the center red(the maple)
  11. i'm thinking of either red,green,or orange stain with about 10 coats of clear.any suggestions?i'm leaning towards emerald green.i am also thinking instead of stain maybe a transparent coat of color(you know instead of coloring the wood color the first coat of clear)
  12. thanks again alex.tsl i cannot find any mention anywhere of a fender with 7 preamp tubes.hope you know more about it than me.i want to put the amp itself in a new box(head form).i've had it for a few years and used to play through it through a 4 by 12 cab.has an awesome bottom end but i need to get new tubes in it and get the reverb working.i bought the marshall when the reverb went out but it doesn't have the sheer presence that the fender does.
  13. thanks alex.as ya'll can see i still have alot of work to do to it.the wings are alder and the strips are walnut.i have step routed the bridge pickup cavity so that the pickup will screw directly into the wood and be at the correct distance from the strings.i am going to do the same thing to the neck pickup.the t.o.m. is recessed to compensate for no neck angle.the blemishes you see are only excess glue which i will take care of later.(please excuse my feet.damn things show up everywhere)
  14. also it's 105 watts r.m.s.
  15. give me a little time to get it posted.
  16. that says alot since you said before that you prefer painted bodies over wood grain.it is sweet looking quilt.
  17. yeah tsl you are right.there are 7 preamp tubes but all of them are not the same.some are 7025 some 12at7.as far as the type i was told it was a twin reverb but all the face has been torn off,the speakers removed,and a few knobs are missing.the in amp gain is a push pull knob,plus it has another push pull knob that i don't know what is.does that tell you anything? i wish to renovate this amp and anything you could tell me would help.
  18. yeah i noticed that after i posted.still a good price though.you could glue it together and make a swamp ash neckthru all carved from it.it's cheap enough to not worry about the wasted wood.probably have to reinforce the neck section with carbon rods though.
  19. i have a question specifically for the amp guys here.i don't know jack about how amps work or anything about tubes.here's my question,i have an old fender twin reverb and the tubes are old(they are the original tubes and the amp is a 60's model i believe.)and need to be replaced.it has 4 6l6 tubes in the power amp section and 4 7025 tubes in the preamp.what tubes do you reccomend as replacements?i want a singing lead tone and a clear and articulate bottom end.i will not be using the in amp gain as i have a zoom pedal which i prefer.also the reverb is not working on it but the pan seems fine.any hints on what i should look for wrong.also when i replace the tubes should i have the amp biased?
  20. look at this swamp ash about 1/4 of the way down the page.that's enough for 2 guitar bodies
  21. check this out at the bottom of the page(very last picture).just shows what you can do with uncommon woods
  22. here's a tip for you.go here and look at bodies and necks.they will tell you what they are made of and they use all kinds of exotic woods.if you see anything familiar then that's a start.
  23. also keep in mind that alder,mahogany,basswood,and all those are not necessarily the best woods,but they are plentiful,cheap,and work well which is why they are so commonly used.many guitar makers use other woods such as sycamore,korina,purpleheart,bocote,zirocote,cherry,lacewood,etc.....
  24. i think the main thing is stability.look up the properties of your wood types on the net and see if they glue well,are stable,non oily,and are non corrosive to metals.(camphor is corrosive).all woods will have a unique tone but most will be listenable.some guitars are made out of plywood after allby the way ash is used in guitars all the time.great tone.i don't know what victorian ash is but it is probably similar and useable
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