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Posts posted by Tim37

  1. Read and study


    I would suggest finding some basic electronics books and reading up some but here is a break down

    the things that look kinda like this -|(- are capasitors

    the things that look like this --/\/\/\/\--are resistors

    the thinks that look like a resistor with a arrow piointed to the middle are potentiometers (fancy word for adjustable resistor)

    th circle with the lines -|= thing in it is a transistor

    and the triangle with all the leads is the amp(basical several transistors set upin a nice neat package)

    the ofcoarse a 9 volt dc input the + means hot side and the v lookign things made out of horizontal lines are the grounds

    then the out put is a speaker pretty simple

    over all its a pretty simple schematic but i still think it would be a good idea to read up on it

    btw you may be able ot get the amp and transistor at radio shack of not just do a search they are pretty easy to find and any place that has them will have the caps and resistors also.

  2. i haven't asked this because the sustainer is more of a curiosity to me than any thing. (really cool but i am not really interested in building one)

    but any way could you use something like one of those little 2.5 watt onboard amps to power that thing? or is that too much power for the sustainer?

  3. Thanks for the advise

    and Pete what you have said makes a lot of sense There is a reason that the strat is one of the most copied guitars in the world so there is no doupt that it can be made to work. i really want new saddles where the strings rest and the screws are rusted i think the rest of the bridge can be cleaned up nice i also want to do a new pick gaurd nothing worng with the one on it but its white on a black guitar and how many of those are out there im thinking a tourtise shell pick gaurd with black covers and knobs but enough of the pretty stuff. i am content with the tuners they seem like decent tuners so they will stay. and the bridge i just don't like the idea of blocking the trem it just doesn't seem right to have something like that and not have it functional. my main problem right now with the guitar is money or rather my lack of it but i am hoping after the new year things will start to look better.

  4. damn it man would you quit it.

    you have a way of making some of the cheesiest designs cool

    like the flamed inlay you did i have seen dozens of guitars with flames and thought all of them lame then you built that one now this.

    next your gonna figure out a way to do a skull and crossbones and make it cool.

    what i mean by all that is nice work real nice.

  5. just a little tip with your cad work, if i may?

    I'd avoid microstation like the plague. It's very messy when you come to importing/exporting, particularly with 3d. I'd suggest sketchup pro, and use it with AutoCAD and 3dStudio Max. It's much easier to work with, and you can import/export between all 3 with ease. Also, there's a lot of photorealistic renderers out there for sketchup. I use those 3 religiously in Architecture, and for designing guitar concepts. I'd be happy to post examples, but it's just a tip, it is easier than microstation.

    oh i believe you i would love to work on autocad but im paid to stare at microstations for 40 hours a week i did all that in xm i seriously doupt i could have pulled that off in triforma

  6. Thanks for all the complents guys

    This is nice. Let me know when you ready for some tele parts - not really advertising, but I have plenty of left overs... cheap.

    Thanks i will keep you in mind i was planning on a gotoh bridge because it has the narrowest string spread but im open to ideas do you happen to know the maximum string spread for a emg 81 thats what i have for the bridge. iwas also looking at gf for the plate since im gonna have to put the pa 2 in it

    NIce work! What did you design that with? (Software I mean)

    thanks i drew it on Bentley Microstation XM

    any drafters out there please cut me some slack i usualy draw in 2d

    Cool computer work. But I don't like the pick guard. The bottom edge doesn't follow the control plate or the bridge. I think if you could tweak that I'd like it a lot more.



    yeah im not too happy with that design but like Dpm99 said i got time to tweek on it.

  7. well i was bored so i started drawing and this is what i ended up with kind of a bastard between a strat and a tele

    i am wanting to build it but funds are low and will be for the next few months i do have the EMG's i caught a kerry king set on sale and walked out of the store with them for under a buck fifty so that part is the only thing set in stone





  8. i was thinking of crazy set ups to like setting them up as three mini humbuckers then having individual volume knobs so that you get a tone stack effect but like i said this is just the crazy stuff that pops in to my head.

    ya want to hear a really crazy one thats floating up there now take a marshall 18 watt preamp with the tmb and a v/mv and instead of running it through the power tubes use the phase splitter as the power tube now you have a mini amp with all the features of a full size 18watt tmb wouldn't that be cool.

  9. my first thougths behind the idea where a high out put low inpedance pickup you know a over wound pickup without the high resistance kill the highs

    then the thought crossed my mind that a blade style pickup running parrell to the string might make some interesting sounds since the magnetic field would be manipulated in parralle with the coil instead of accross it could make a interesting pickup.

  10. i have had a idea rolling around in the back of my mind for a little bit

    basical build 6 small blade time pickups that would fit in a standard humbucker ring then wire them up as three small humbuckers

    what intrest me is the flexability you would have

    one since you would have three pickups 1 for string 1&2 another for string 3&4 and then for 5&6.

    run them through three small pots for a tone stack then as ran in parallel for a low inpedance pickups if you could also play with the different windings for different strings and different magnets for different sounds you want.

    but then agian it might not work.

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