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Everything posted by monkey69962000

  1. just replace the intire electronics. If scared to solder than to use the same electronics you would need to to solder twice as much to get the wires off. Plus the switchs and pots suck. I have the kit so i should know. If you just want to learn it nothing to it. Its taking solder (wire for soldering) and place it on the 2 things you want to solder and then take the heated soldering iorn and place it on the solder over the 2 objects you are soldering, and bam the solder heats and melts the objects together. That simple but if you want a better explanation talk to others. thats how i do my soldering
  2. does anyone have a set of instructions to build a pickup winder. I know about the books and the other threads already, but i was wondering if anyone had like a design for one or know one. Also any sites that teach you to make one. Plus when making one, does the bobbin catch the wire like from the spool so it doesnt over lap or do you need to make a motor sway the wire to catch the bobbin correctly
  3. hey anyone have a CAD about the headstock of the Gibson LP.
  4. you have the author or no? Oh and thanks for all that are helping me.
  5. did the parts arive yet. and i getting ready to get my parts. So all i need is a soldering iron solder and the list ansil made that lovekraft rewrote.
  6. any more i want to read like 2 or 3 by the end of the year.
  7. well i dont want to carry around a book like eye withness books around to camp. If its a small like novel like book i couldnt see it having pictures. Just want to know.
  8. i looked and it says 160 pages what author is yours so the cover is 5 by 8 melvyn hiscock, make your own electric guitar second edition, index starts on page 217
  9. what size is it if its 200 pages. Like the front cover in inches. Also is there pics in it to see what to do.
  10. i want to buy a book to help me with building a guitar because i want to see help besides the forum. Anyone know any really good books.
  11. nice. My saga body had like a million glue lines you can see on the side of the guitar. Nice work. !.50 thats awsome
  12. lovekraft gave me that link like 3 times. Sorry for your trouble lovekraft. Well this seems to be an issue. Someone make a thread that reads. ALL THE LP WIRING YOU WILL NEED
  13. thats a cool tuitorial. please send more pics when you can
  14. im taking about like a cool like dragon inlay in the frett board.
  15. anyone know a place to find luthier schools. I am intrested in doing a weekend corse in one in the los angeles valley.
  16. where is the app. I want one. looked all over.
  17. um i have a set of 2 wire each humbukers that i "might" sell for 50.
  18. planning is 3 guitars. I would spend the time and extend when i get the research. Considering i am doing 4 guitars by next summer hopfully. And i would need to buy a book at a bookstore near me. But no rides so far. I really want to get like a 10 book from borders anyone know how. An i dont need to learn how to inlay the inlay, but to make the inlay for the frett board
  19. hey i want to build a custom inlay. how do you make one. Whats the bill of materials too.
  20. not really no parts but a top and bottom of a semi hollow body. Ill cut the holes my self and the pickups will be put in myself. found a site.
  21. lloks cool. Problem is you need to do it for a school project and sorry camcool. but you need to be in high school.
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