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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. I got some deft laquer clear from Wal-Mart in the quart sized can... few questions It claims that it doesn't require wood filler, is this true. It claims that you don't have to sand between coats, is this true I got it in the brush on type, is that bad they had one can of aerosol deft that didn't say it was fast drying like the rest of the cans and quarts, is there a difference in outcome between fast drying and regular I apply it in this order (right?) grain filler sanding sealer laquer (a few coats) dye (alchohal soluble) laquer (many more coats) note that its not to late to trade this stuff for aerosol.
  2. Could I use anyline dyes w. acrylic. (if not all go w/ that deft laquer)
  3. So does acrylic laquer work? Would I be able to use it with my anyline alcohal base dyes? I hope!
  4. When do you use the rounding over bit, before or after you put in the contours (ie. armrest, gutrest.) It seems like it would be hard to use the router after I do the contours because it would tilt the router base. I could try to round it out by hand but it probably wouldn't look as neat. So how do you round over the contours?
  5. Look how This guy made his own binding guide for a dremel tool!
  6. Has anyone tried the dyes from international luthiers supply (here) they are cheap and I was thinking of ordering some of their other stuff too.
  7. Thanks! Wow amazing site, and guitar. Where did you get the Mohawks toner, is it the kind of thing I could buy at good ol' home depot or lowes? I take it you sprayed both of the colors with aerosol. By the way, which 2 colors did you get, thats exactly what I had in mind! thanks, so what type of clear, like a laquer or varnish? And does it matter what type of dye I mix in? Whew, thats alot of questions thanks in advance.
  8. What should I use to seal the wood if I'm using water soluble dye? Also, how could I bring out the grain of the ash (its a real nice piece)? What order of what do I put on the guitar to get the finish? Thanks!
  9. Ok here goes, I want to do a Sunburst on an ash body which wouldn't be too hard except.... 1. I have no airbrush 2. I'm running too low on cash to buy an airbrush 3. The grain of ash doesn't act the same as maple (so all those how to do maple sunbursts tutorials wont quite work) I want to use two dyes, a black and a reddish brown, from International luthiers supply. I'm hoping that somebody out there could give me general runthrough of how to do the burst. Thanks
  10. As far as a lock... depending which airline you fly with, all the post twin tower attack security might forbid locks. (at least I know a few do.)
  11. Wow, amazing work! I'm going to try a dye sunburst finish with only two colors, red-brown and black on ash, what should the process be. I don't have an airbrush either and want to rub in the dyes. I'm going to get the dyes are from International Luthiers Supply . Should I get alcohal or water soluble stain? Thanks
  12. My neck is adjustable at the head so taking the neck on and off a whole lotta times shouldn't be a problem. What size woodscrews would I use? I don't know anybody with taps, but couldn't you use some type of inserts in the neck? Thanks
  13. I'm building my first guitar and I've been wondering what the simplest and least expensive way to bolt or screw the neck onto the guitar is without sacrificing quality. The neck is a strat style neck and wont be angled at all. Hopefully I'll be able to get everything from Home Depot. Basically, is it easier to use ferruls or a neck plate. If ferruls are easier, what size do I get them and what size screws do I get. If a neck plate is easier, what size scews do I get and how thick do I make the neck plate (I could probably make my own neck plate.) While I'm here, has anyone tried the dyes from International Luthiers supply (and what about the $6 pickups, i'm sceptical) Thanks in advance.
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